Beach Bum

Last updated: 19.5.0



HP: 20,000 (+10% [2,000 HP] per player in Realm)
DEF: 15
EXP: 100
Location: Anywhere between Midlands and Mountains.



Does not attack.


Oryx the Mad God Quotes:
“What is this lazy Beach Bum doing in my Realm?”
“An elusive Beach Bum is hiding somewhere in the Realm.”
“(Player name) has killed the innocent Beach Bum!”
“The innocent Beach Bum has been slain!”
“” (Not an error, Oryx says a blank message after the Beach Bum is killed)

Oryx may announce the appearance of a Beach Bum in a realm.

The Beach Bum wanders around an area very similar to that of the Ghost Ship, with a larger island in the middle. When he gets to low health, he will start running away. He still isn’t very fast and will have almost no HP at that point, so there’s no risk of him getting away.

The Beach Bum used to be extraordinarily rare, and although it has since become much more common to find, it’s still quite rare.

No quest marker will point to it at all, leaving finding the island to complete chance.

Fun fact: For a short time, the public purple bag containing Davy’s Key could be used to trade untiered items.


Tips and Strategies

Once you’ve had your moment of triumph of killing such a harmless enemy, it’s a good idea to call ‘Beachzone’ as the boss of beachzone requires usually a few players to take down. Plus you get to share the beach with more players and get wicked tans together! Gnarly, dude!

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