Crystal Worm Rudolph

Last updated: Exalt Version (Dec 2023)
Crystal Worm Rudolph

The Crystal Worm Rudolph is an event boss that is a Christmas-themed reskin of the Crystal Worm Father and replaces it during Christmas events.



Base HP: 75,000 (+10% [7,500 HP] per player in Realm)
DEF: 40
EXP: 10,000
Location: Candy Miner Setpiece

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Aesthetics Damage Condition effects Speed (tiles/sec) Range (tiles) Comments
Dark Shard 180 5 35 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
White Shard Bolt 200 1.3 18.2 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
White Shard Bolt 200 2.1 37.8 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
White Shard Bolt 120 6 30 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Faces Direction
White Shard Bolt 120 6 30 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Amplitude: 1.3
Frequency: 0.3
Faces Direction
White Shard Bolt 120 6 30 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Amplitude: 0.8
Frequency: 0.5
Faces Direction
White Shard Bolt 120 6 30 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Amplitude: 0.5
Frequency: 0.8
Faces Direction
White Shard Bolt 120 6 30 Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
Boomerang Shots boomerang
Amplitude: 0.3
Frequency: 1.3
Faces Direction

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The Crystal Worm Rudolph emerges in the center of the Fungal setpiece once four waves of mushroom enemies have been defeated. Immediately after spawning, it will summon a random Cavecrawler worm (Leech, Maggot, Glowworm). Once the worm is killed, it will become vulnerable, attacking with a flowering barrage of extremely damaging crystal shards that return to it.

At half health, it permanently gains the Armored condition (resulting in 80 DEF) and adds in rapid 3-way shotguns of purple crystals.

At about 20% HP, the Worm Rudolph stops firing white shards (purple shards will still be fired), goes invulnerable, and spawns two Death Morels around the arena, which fire radial blasts. The Worm Father cannot be harmed until all Death Morels have been killed.

When all of the Death Morels are dead, the Worm Rudolph becomes vulnerable and resumes its attack pattern from before. It will also try to spawn more Death Morels near players.

When brought to critical HP, the Worm Rudolph retreats into the ground, leaving its loot behind. A portal to the Fungal Cavern will open behind it right afterwards.


Living Tree Living Tree
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Note that only the Crystal Worm Rudolph fought as an event boss drops loot.

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Tips and strategies

See Crystal Worm Father.

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