Daeva Trickster Set

Daeva Trickster
Set Generation
Class Trickster
Themed on Daeva
Drops From The Bridge Sentinel (Archangel's Judgement)
Crystal Worm Mother (Daevite Progenitor)
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess (Seraphim's Guard)
Crystal Prisoner (Flames of Genesis)
Obtained Through “A Story of War VI” Campaign
Mystery Trickster ST Crate
2nd Piece Bonus +20 HP, +20 MP, +5 VIT, +5 WIS
3rd Piece Bonus +20 HP, +20 MP, +2 ATT, +2 DEF
4th Piece Bonus +30 HP, +30 MP, +3 ATT, +3 DEF
Subtotal of Bonuses +70 HP, +70 MP, +5 ATT, +5 DEF, +5 VIT, +5 WIS
Overall Stat Bonus +150 HP, +120 MP, +5 ATT, +20 DEF, +20 VIT, +12 WIS
Final Stats at 8/8 870 HP, 372 MP, 70 ATT, 45 DEF, 75 SPD, 75 DEX, 60 VIT, 72 WIS
Total XP Bonus 22%
Soulbound Soulbound
Released Exalt Version (Sep 2021)

The Daeva Trickster Set is the 34th special themed set to be released.