Ethereal Happi

Ethereal Happi A festival coat woven from thin, spiritual threads. It allows the user to skirt the spirit realm in search of their destination.

Tier UT
On Equip +15 DEF, +15 SPD
Reactive Proc Focus When shooting, SPD↓ SPD decrease (-25 SPD)
On Ability Use: Summons a Friendly Spirit which curses enemies and zaps them for 150 damage/sec.
The spirit synergizes in the presence of different spirits.
Upgrade Levels:
  • 1: Inflicts Curse Curse within 3 squares.
  • 2: Inflicts Curse Curse and deals 100 damage/sec within 3 squares.
  • 3: Inflicts Curse Curse and deals 200 damage/sec within 3 squares.
  • Lifetime: 6 seconds
    Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
    Bonus Dexterity: Equal to 10% of Speed Stat
    XP Bonus 7%
    Soulbound Soulbound
    Feed Power 950
    Dismantling Value 15 Legendary Material / 40 Rare Material / 45 Common Material

    The Friendly Spirit summoned by this armor will level up in proximity with those summoned by the Sage’s Wakibiki, Ethereal Happi, Tezutsu Hanabi, and Kagenohikari. The level of the spirit will increase further as more spirits are gathered.

    The bonus dexterity is also unaffected by the speed decrease when shooting. This makes it on par with or better for damage output than the T15 leather in most situations, especially when considering the added spirit.

    Before Exalt Version (Apr 2023), summons Maximum Lifetime was 12 seconds.

    Before Exalt Version (Sep 2023), this item consumed 40 additional MP on ability use, spirits were slightly different with a lifetime of 15 seconds and a cooldown of 15 seconds, and this item had no Bonus Dexterity.