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Ice Cave (Rev. 4)

Last updated: Release 27.0.0
Ice Cave Portal

The Ice Cave is a dungeon that drops from White Demons and the Lord of the Lost Lands. When all enemies are killed, it opens into The Inner Sanctum, where the boss, Esben the Unwilling, can be faced.

Both areas feature ice tiles which make characters slide.


Ice Cave Key The Ice Cave Key is currently available only as a reward from The Alchemist.

Example Layout

Ice Cave

source: imgur.com

The Inner Sanctum



Ice Cave

Big Yeti Big Yeti Mini Yeti Mini Yeti
Snow Bat Mama Snow Bat Mama Snow Bat Snow Bat

When all Big Yetis and Snow Bat Mamas are killed, A Strange Presence says from the portal:
“Innocent souls. So delicious. You have sated me. Now come, I shall give you your reward.”

The Inner Sanctum

Creepy Weird Dark Spirit Mirror Image Monster Creepy Weird Dark Spirit Mirror Image Monster Creepy Weird Dark Spirit Mirror Image Monster
Cursed Grave Cursed Grave
Icy Whirlwind Icy Whirlwind


Esben the Unwilling Esben the Unwilling Test Chest Test Chest

When Esben is killed, A Voice from Beyond speaks before the Test Chest is breakable:
“Thank you for your kindness, friends. I am free now. Take of what I have left. I hope it is enough.”

Drops of Interest

Item Drops from
Potion of Mana Potion of Mana Esben the Unwilling