Pet Families (Rev. 2)

All pets fall under a certain family, and pets of the same family can be fused together until they're divine level. Uncommon pets look the same as their Common counterpart, and Legendary pets are larger versions of their Rare counterparts. Divine pets are the only level that cannot be found in eggs. Mystery Eggs can contain a pet of any family at the respective rarity level that it is. Hover your mouse over each image to see the pet's name.

Pets of Family














A random pet of the given level from above.

Event Pets

These pets have only appeared for sale for a very short time, and the generators are consumed upon use, meaning these pets are lost with death or if another pet generator of any kind is used.

April Fools 2012 - The Lil' Oryx pet is a miniature version of Oryx, and occasionally taunts the player through chat. As of Release 12.0.0 it is classified as part of the ???? family.
Valentines Day 2012-2013 - As of Release 12.0.0, the generator (egg) creates a heart that lasts only while you're in the current realm, but the generator remains, so you can carry it around and a generate a new heart each time you switch realms. Hearts are always red. (In earlier releases, the Valentine generator could be used just once and created a heart that lasted until death.)
Holidays 2012 - Unlike other Event Pets, it could be spawned multiple times. As of Release 12.0.0, it is now part of the ???? family.

Dungeon Pets

Certain dungeons have a rare chance of dropping a pet related to it. Unlike most other eggs, these will be a specific egg for only that pet. The color of the egg corresponds to its family. Currently, these eggs will hatch as common regardless of the pet's typical rarity level. All three abilities for these pets are assigned randomly upon hatching.