Pet Yard (Rev. 18)

Last updated: Release 12.1.0
Pet Yard Portal

The Pet Yard is a place to maintain and upgrade your pets which can be accessed via the pet portal in the nexus or vault. There are several components within the pet yard which each serve a unique purpose.

The Yard (Hatching and Following)

Once you have an Egg, you’re going to need to hatch it.

Conditions in the Realm are rather rough and much too treacherous for your beloved new Pet. Luckily, you have the Pet Yard! Wizards and Warriors alike have worked hard to carve out the safest places in the Nexus to raise your Pets. Now you can access this personal haven through a portal in your Vault.give meh food

As soon as you enter the Pet Yard, any Eggs in your Inventory will be available for hatching. Hatch your Egg by double-clicking or shift-clicking, and you will soon find your new companion wandering about!

Walk up to your new friend to Interact with it. When you are standing near your Pet, you can command it to Follow you, or if a Pet is already following you, command it to Unfollow you. The Pet Yard will hold all pets you have hatched previously until they are Released. However, only one Pet may follow you at a time. When you wish to switch between Pets, simply approach the Pet you desire and use the Follow command at the bottom right corner of your screen.

After you have commanded your Pet to Follow you, it will use its Abilities to assist you on your adventures.

Yard Caretaker

The yard caretaker will provide information about the Pet yard, and is also used to upgrade the yard. The pet yard must be upgraded in order to hatch and feed higher rarity pets. The table below displays the cost (in fame or gold) associated with upgrading the pet yard as well as the costs for feeding pets. Note that the cost to feed or fuse depends on the rarity of the pet, not the rarity of the pet yard. The rarity of the pet yard only determines what level rarity of pet may be hatched/fed/fused–the price of the individual action is determined by the pet(s) being fed/fused.

Rarity Level Pet Yard Upgrade Feeding Cost Fusing Cost
Common - 10 Fame or 5 Realm Gold 300 Fame or 100 Realm Gold
Uncommon 500 Fame or 150 Realm Gold 30 Fame or 12 Realm Gold 1000 Fame or 240 Realm Gold
Rare 2000 Fame or 400 Realm Gold 100 Fame or 30 Realm Gold 4000 Fame or 600 Realm Gold
Legendary 25000 Fame or 1200 Realm Gold 350 Fame or 60 Realm Gold 15000 Fame or 1800 Realm Gold
Divine 50000 Fame or 2000 Realm Gold 1000 Fame or 150 Realm Gold -


To feed the pet you must go to the Pet Yard, found in the Nexus or Vault, and use the Upgrade Pet Modal (computer on the east side of the pet yard).

Clicking the Feed Pet button will open the Feed Pet Modal. One of your pets will appear on the left hand side, and you may place an item on the right you wish to feed to the pet. If you wish, you may click the pet in the Feed Pet modal to select a different pet from your yard.

The Feed Pet Modal

Now you may feed any item to the pet by dragging the item into the appropriate box and clicking the payment method (fame or gold) you wish to utilize. The feed power of the item you have selected will be applied to the pets abilities, making them more powerful to aid you. The feed cost to increase the level of the pet can be found on the Pet Feeding page.

Note that when the pet is at the common level, only the 1st ability is unlocked and its maxed stat cap is level 30. This means that the second and third abilities do not function and cannot be leveled up until the pet is a higher level rarity, and the 1st ability will max out at 30. The pet will need to be fused in order to achieve higher levels (and to unlock the second and third abilities). It is very important to realize that fusing a pet prior to maxing its abilities will reduce the stat cap max of the resultant pet, meaning that it can never become as powerful as it could if the abilities had been maxed prior to fusing.


The Upgrade Pet modal is also used to Fuse two pets together. Clicking Fuse Pet opens the Fuse Pets modal.

Fusing pets combines two pets of a given rarity into one new pet of the next highest rarity. The abilities, the levels of those abilities, and the family of the resultant pet are all determined by the pets selected to be fused. It is therefore important to select the right pets in order to achieve the desired result in fusing (which usually means maxing the abilities of the pets to be fused prior to fusing so that the Fusion Strength is MAX.

Any hatched pet may be selected in the first box of the Fuse Pets modal, and any pet with the same family and rarity may be selected in the second. Once two pets of the same family and rarity are selected, the pets may be fused by clicking the desired payment method (fame or gold). The two pets being fused will disappear, and a new pet of the same family and next rarity level will be generated to aid you in battle.

Pet fusing is described in further detail on the Pet Fusing page.