Shipping Logs

Forgotten Log

This page contains the shipping logs found inside the Forgotten Log I and Forgotten Log II. The logs can be displayed by double-clicking on the associated item, causing a popup to be displayed. The logs detail a departure location, destination, and the contents of each order, as well as a contract number and special instructions. Each order references a dungeon or enemy.

Forgotten Log I

The first log contains import orders, done from various departing locations to the Deadwater Docks.

Order: Three hundred and sixty-two (362) pounds of ambush loot
Departing Location: Carosburg Strait trade route
Destination: Deadwater Docks
Shipment Vessel: The Scourge of Thessal
Contract Number: 7242
Special Instructions: Show the captain and load onto The Cutlass for your share.

Order: Ten (10) crates of mortar bags
Departing Location: Mainland (inland harbor)
Destination: Deadwater Docks
Shipment Vessel: Pride of Cronus
Contract Number: 7657
Special Instructions: Ensure the mason brings out the repair supplies, do not follow him if invited to take them yourself.

Order: Special request
Departing Location:
Destination: Mainland shore
Shipment Vessel: The Cutlass
Contract Number: N/A
Special Instructions: Skip inspection procedure and depart immediately. Go at full sail and return to Deadwater Docks quickly after unloading.

Order: Two (2) barrels of parrot crackers
Departing Location: Mainland (southeast peninsula)
Destination: Deadwater Docks
Shipment Vessel: The Alexander
Contract Number: 8848
Special Instructions: To be accompanied by any available frigates, high priority.

Forgotten Log II

The second log contains export orders, done from the Deadwater Docks to various locations.

Order: Twenty (20) cases of rum
Departing Location: Deadwater Docks
Destination: Beachzone
Shipment Vessel: The Barnacle of Tortuga
Contract Number: 5703
Special Instructions: N/A

Order: Eight (8) cases of rum
Departing Location: Deadwater Docks
Shipment Vessel: Pride of Cronus
Contract Number: 6736
Special Instructions: Meet recipient behind the customs house

Order: 3.5 million (3,500,000) grains of gunpowder
Departing Location: Deadwater Docks
Destination: Unaddressed home in upper highlands
Shipment Vessel: Royal Sovereign
Contract Number: 6899
Special Instructions: Rendezvous with HMS Fearless prior, do not converse with recipient.

Order: Three (3) cases of wine
Departing Location: Deadwater Docks
Destination: Oryx’s Castle
Shipment Vessel: Calypso’s Curse
Contract Number: 8119
Special Instructions: Dump shipment into the sea when in view, and make sure he sees you this time first!


Forgotten Log I
  • The “Carosburg Strait” is named after Lord Carosburg, a legendary historical commander-king mentioned in the Realm Eye Response for the Sword of Majesty.
  • The ship “The Scourge of Thessal” is named after Thessal the Mermaid Goddess, as she is in-story an enemy to sailors.
  • The ship “Pride of Cronus” is named after the Dirk of Cronus, and by extension the player who led to the dagger’s creation.
  • The “Mason” mentioned is likely Archdemon Malphas, who was said to have once been a gifted stone mason in his realm eye response.
  • The third order is not an import order, but is still grouped with the other imports.
  • The special request mentioned in the third order is likely the mission to secretly escort the queen of the Shatters into the mainland to escape from the Void Entity corrupting The Forgotten King, thanks to the royal guards making a deal with Jon Bilgewater. This is supported by the departing location being unspecified, and the special instructions urging the crew to skip precautions and complete the task as quickly as posisble.
  • The ship “The Alexander” is likely named after King Alexander, a figure from the legend of Thessalonike, the myth that Thessal the Mermaid Goddess is based on. King Alexander is implied to also exist (or have existed) in-universe, as Thessal can ask about him in a secret event in her battle.
  • The shipments of parrot crackers to Deadwater Docks is likely to feed Bartholomew and the massive amounts of parrots that Jon Bilgewater is infamous for training and raising. Fittingly, it is designated as a high priority order.
Forgotten Log II
  • “Tortuga” (as found in the name of the ship “The Barnacle of Tortuga”) is the Spanish word for turtle/tortoise.
  • The delivery of rum to the Beachzone likely references the Masked Party God and the array of alcoholic cocktails that can be obtained by killing him.
  • The request to deliver rum to an unspecified location may possibly be related to the illegal smuggling to The Shatters mentioned in Deadwater Docks’ Realm Eye Response. This is supported by the destination being redacted in the same way as the departure site for the order implied to be the smuggling of the Crystal Prisoner out of the Shatters, as well as a custom house being a place where officials regulate the import and export of goods in and out of a country (the Shatters being an island city-state seperate from the mainland Realm, where Deadwater Docks is canonically located).
  • The request to deliver an exorbitant amount of gunpowder to an unaddressed home in the highlands is likely a reference to the Parasite Chambers, a dungeon also found in the highlands which features a large number of infinitely-respawning explosive barrels that would necessitate such an amount of gunpowder. This may also be supported by the special instructions not to converse with the recipient, as they may have been suspected of being a parasitic host.
  • Calypso (as found in the name of the ship “Calypso’s Curse”) was a nymph from Greek myth that lived on the island of Ogygia and attempted to keep the hero Odysseus by her side.
  • The order to essentially destroy a shipment of wine in view of Oryx at his castle is seemingly done with the sole purpose of angering him, owing to his love of wine. This may also reference the historical enmity between Oryx and the Realm’s pirates, and may be a specific request from said pirates, another of Oryx’s enemies, or even Deadwater Docks itself.