Anomaly Eyepiece (Ninja Special UT)


###Anomaly Eyepiece

It appears that the lens was drenched in some sort of thick aura. Why don’t focus your mental energy through it?

(Shot sprite size scales with damage calculated below)


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Drain: 10 MP/Second
    -While Held: Speedy
  • Cooldown: 1 second
  • MP Cost: 110
  • Damage: 250 • Duration of spacebar being held (capped at 10 seconds for a maximum of 2500 damage)
    -Representation in-game: “250 Damage/Second
  • Range: 20
  • Projectile Speed: 30
  • Stat Bonus: +5 WIS, +25 MP, +5 VIT, -5 SPD
  • Special properties: Shots pass through enemies, Shots pass through obstacles.
  • Fame Bonus: 3%
  • Feed Power: 400

####Drops From:
Puppet Master (both from original and encore)

New Ninja Ability Idea- The Star of Piercing Cold

The concept seems alright, the numbers not so much. For 100MP (10*10), same as Doom Circle, you get 1600 more damage, of course there is what is effectively a 10 second cooldown, but you get speedy during that time.

Is the 10MP drain, what charges the damage?

As a suggestion maybe lower the damage so more time is required for it to beat Doom Circle, right now it is 4 Seconds, maybe lower it to 200 Damage to make it about 5 Seconds. This also take the cap down to 2000, which isn’t as big a jump from Doom Circle.


I wouldn’t say the 10 MP drain charges it since you should know of the exploit with holding space with a quieted ninja star.

By the way, if one had a divine pet maxed MP heal, they could effectively spam a doom circle. This counters the problem ideally by making the star have a totally different purpose: Entrance Damage. Also, the fact that this pierces gives this star the potential to significantly diminish a mob or pierce through orbitals of bosses. Finally, if the opportunities to get star hits on bosses are extremely sparse, then this star has superiority over doom circle since the time to charge in between give this star quite the extra damage. Yet, this is not in every situation, so this should be carried as an alternate.


Love this.

Seems quite a bit too low. I think 10 MP/Second is the cost for the DCircle speedy effect. As such, You are essentially giving me a free buff to my damage without upping the mana cost. I would suggest upping it to 15 or 20 MP/Second.

Icryeverytime. 125? That is absolute garbage.

I don’t know if other ninja stars do this, but that’s pretty cool.

@Scorchmist hold up, I beat you to a post? Ninja’d.


wait? so this happens when u hold the spacebar? Oh, so it charges energy? Sow ehn you hold spacebar, it makes you speedy, but you also gain power.[quote=“GAMESONLY, post:1, topic:4553”]
Shots pass through enemies


— if the way i understood it was right: then you would just use this every like 10 or so seconds?

they more not wizard!

— also whats with the double sprites?

well since we posted different things, it doesnt matter as much.


I will play ninja when I get a doku. Not before.


Oh, I didn’t see the piercing, it might be a little to much damage for piercing.

I really must not have been paying attention because now I see the MP Cost, it makes more sense, still the 180MP cost for a full damage of 2500 seems quite low. Maybe buff the MP cost to 100 to force it into being a swapout for Doom Circle.

I think one is a projectile.


oh ok. im an idiot.


well… it sorta just looks like a pink midnight star… maybe you should add some more touches… this is a suggestion, take it or leave it


There’s a set of sprites for the equip slot and the set of sprites for the shot itself.

You can theoretically overcharge this, but to little benefit. Ideally, yes.


I realized this. Yet, I felt that this would be the best non-star round projectile to fit this item. There’s only so many ways to make a sprite. :wink:


The weird catch to this is that a maxed MP heal would find less DPS from this than doom circle. Ideally, then, this star is entirely variable on the player. There is no good fix to this however.


the fp is wayyy too low to be in pup or encore. its lower than a t10 weapon!


Maybe increase fp to 500 instead of 125


If you want FPs, get pet food.

Just for the community’s sake, I’m increasing it to 400.


I like it!
The damage seems good, as it takes 4 seconds to deal more damage than Doom Circle.
My only suggestion is increasing the MP cost to 110.


Maybe you should balance the high damage with removing speedy? That would make it a really unique item for ninja.


I’ve had consideration for that, but then the ninja wouldn’t be a ninja.


Sure. Done!


I mean, it would still throw a shuriken? And it would make the ninja use multiple shurikens, like the other classes use multiple special abilities for different situations. The best examples are the knight, where you wouldn’t only use an ogmur, or the archer, where you would want to have both a QoT and a paralysing quiver.