Char slots or vaults


i think there should be a drop ( key ) for unlocking a char or vault, this key will be very rare maybe like 1/20000 and tradable. drop locations - shaitan or there will be a chest in shatters ( anywhere in map in lava too ) by killing this chest u get chance for dropping the key , again very rare drop rate should be fixed


chest in random location in lava. i love that idea. chest spawn randomly(meet certain condition maybe) at random location and in lava.


tradable char/vault slot? ahh hell no, even if it drops in lava and shaitan chest and its rare, the least is make it not tradable, still not a good idea, wouldn’t say it bad, but not so good either


My idea; char slots/vault chest unlocker available for a certain period of time, but to obtain it you must nexus when your character is at exactly 1 hitpoint left.
Let’s say… give it a 1/1000 chance of happening.

Then a 50/50 chance of getting either a Character Slot or Vault Chest Unlocker item in your no.1 inventory slot, once you create a new character.

(ofc obviously the auto-nexus cheaters and all but… eh…)


No, some things should stay premium, like chars slots, vaults and dyes


A slot being available because of nexusing at 1 hp is retarded. sorry


That’s a pretty bad idea. Like how the heck is that supposed to actually help the game?



Technically impossible to get.


You understand how probability works, right?
The only way something is impossible to achieve is if it had a 0.00 or 0% chance of occurring.

As for the idea itself, no. You should not be able to get more than 1 free Character Slot/Vault Chest Unlocker per month.


Have you played Terraria?
Yeah, this chest unlocker has a lower drop rate than uzi from a dragon snapper.


I haven’t played Terraria recently. Nonetheless, it’s not impossible, technically, literally, virtually, or any other way.






I thought I was kewl…


thats my alt my real is way better


Basically reduces most of the motivation to spend money on the game, even if the drop rate is that low… unless you do something really stupid with it… At that point it’s not even worth implementing.


idk lets just spread this idea and let deca decide what should be the drop rate , well i think every 100 shatts there should be a chest but u dont get guaranteed key drop

  • Deca pls
  • Deca pls no
  • Change a little -> Deca pls

0 voters


Make it so red-starred player get a vault and orange-starred get a char slot etc. Maybe add like at least 3 star on every class to add diversity to the classes in the game. Of course this can become a ptrain fest too but I think this is better than adding it as a loot.


Dupers gonna get rich again XD