CLAND Griefer


So I’m in a candy land (right now) and there is this guy who has gotten upset about someone saying they will drag on him because he is afk. :
So now we’re stuck with him in boss room hurling insults at people and no loot :frowning:


Sorry we do not promote Witch hunts on the forum, I recommend you ignore him and move on. Sadly that is all you can do.


Never asked for a witch hunt

But now he’s stopped which is good


If you weren’t asking for a witch hunt it would be better if you blurred out his name. Because to most people what you have done is try to start a witch hunt.


Sorry :frowning: but I didn’t have much time


Should we close + WC this?



Just so you’re aware, there’s nothing we can do about things like this. This forum is not associated with Deca, has no contact with Deca, and cannot help in any sort of official capacity. This forum is fan-made and fan-run. The only thing we can do is provide advice and whatnot, as several of your fellow players that use the forum have had to deal with various unsavory in-game behaviors in their time playing.