Continuing the Discussion from Somewhere Else


Why do you hate warrior so much?


Here we go again…


He doesn’t; look at the top death. He has to hide his insecurities… :smiling_imp:


That was suicide. I was like jeez fucking Christ sitting down here is so boring. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IM AN ICE SKATER!!1!!!1!!!1 lelxd I died


The only thing I regret from all that shit is the pyra

There’s a gruesome reason why I hate it, and if I tell you truly why I’d get banned


“gruesome”? what, did they castrate you or something? or are you just so passionately enraged by them that you’re going to blow up at everyone and devolve into a mindless flaming hatred machine?

@ConsoleMC does this really need to be a public discussion? it sounds like you just want to talk to DreadDrake.


Yea how did you know


ohh, just had a hunch.


Trust me that’s even the bad part


.0_o this thread escalated quickly…



Well Memed


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