Easy way to earn to realm gold


Now that ROTMG is taking CVS and subway gift cards i am able to now get new character slots and coins every week for free without leaving my house. How do it? Swag bucks. Swagbucks has helped me make over $200 and now im able to spend it on realm. Surveys can easily be done and plus if you don’t get your swag bucks and you complete the surveys you can always send a ticket to get SB. Hope you guys like this method.


oh well, could help some people.


I can take it down if you want me.


i think its fine b/c you didnt advertise any kind of recommendation code


I signed up, already have 8 SB


it turns out i already had an account with a few hundred… ??? …


do they send the gift card to your house?
how do you get the card?


i dont use swag bucks, but i believe they give you a code


They Email you the code!


1 SB = 1 Cent I recommend doing surveys and completing then sending ticket saying you didn’t receive SB if it fails.


This. And thank @DeathMAE for not doing that. It’s long been an unwritten rule* that we delete affiliate links and the like. They’re spam.

* Well, on the old forum… haven’t seen it yet on the new forum.




somewhat along the same lines,

but i heard they put a fee to use subway cards now.


a few questions

  • do they ask for personal information? (adress)
    -how do they give you the money?
    -What are the surveys about?




how do you claim the money as a gift card?


At the swag bucks store in the website you select like cvs giftcard and they will email you the code.


code for what?


The Giftcard.


what u mean
i hear i can get cash back on paypal how does that work