[Forum Game] Level Up!


could possibly be community forums if it gets fully fleged out? i think it could be fun!


yes, but only if jaws wants to expand it out, or else someone can make a more complex version.


If he doesn’t I will :slight_smile:


ok have fun, its not within my capabilities to make a good forum game.


nbefore we have one of those “choose your own adventure” sorta deals

You are met with a jungle filled with savage natives. Option A: Explore the dungeon

A gnome wielding a Lollipop sprints past you! Option B: Continue forward, towards the mountain.

A potion of healing for the journey north. Option C: Check the chest for loot.

Of course, something like this would rely on the person replying to not look at all of the results before they choose their path.

This also requires lots of effort.


That’s awesome but probably abit too much :frowning:


Maybe not, I could supply a template.

I forgot to add the Graveyard to the original post. Each time the player dies at level 20 their grave will be added into a details box.


Says the guy with 1.2k post in his forum game lol


wha? no i dont have 1.2K posts in my forum game?


I shall make one with spook and it will be awesome :smiley:


you meet the fame train and get lvl 5


@shatter happened, level 6


u scam him and get lvl 7


i scam u and get lvl 8


I report you and get lvl 9


I ragequit level 1


You are addicted and restart -> lvl 2


I am ashamed of myself for proving you right, level 3


i reload the page to before @Shatter reset us lv 20


u die for breaking the game rules

lvl 1