[Forum Game] The Never Ending Story




The End, for now…


Hello hero. Did you truly think I was gone?


No! I cannot allow you to end my story in such a way.


staplers! stop speaking in my head!


i’m dumb said oryx i’m retarded. i cant kill four life. i cant even spell


spell bomb because oryx is a bad wizard he didnt go to hogwarts


darn it he though. curse my life. i could have got a decent education instead of being a rag kick around by puny mortals


i could have gone to harvard and yale


but no, i accepted the ??? money from rob and alex to be a live punching bag


i had a gf back home in the usw3 nexus wtf i cri


sniff sniff


i passed with A’s from elementary school


i had nice parents


i was in honor role of kindergarten because i new my numbers 1-30


dream job was mcdolans cook


i and memorized the alphabet in 2nd grade


i knew my x10 tables


and suddenly, the voice of someone with a phallus of adequate size whispers “i knew my 12x12 tables


and i said, " you need a pancake."