If we can't see air can fish see water?


I’ve been wondering for a looong time, if we can’t see air can fish see water?


When you are underwater and you open your eyes can you “see” the water?


The index of refraction of water (1.33) is the same as that of the aqueous humor of the fish eye and very close to that of the fish lens. Incidentally, the human eye also has the same indices of refraction – 1.37 for the lens and 1.336 for the aqueous humor, one of the pieces of evidence to indicate our eyes evolved from water dwelling ancestors. See Neil Degrasse Tyson’s fine summary of the subject in episode 2 of the new Cosmos.

BTW, neither can we “see” water when we’re immersed in it, although both we and fish can see the impurities suspended in it.


If fish can see water, can birds see the air?


If birds can see the air, can we see the uselessness of this thread?


If we can see this thread, can birds see fish?


It depends on what you mean by see.
If you are above the body of clear water and looking into it are you seeing the water?
If so, when you are underwater and you look upwards towards the surface you are then seeing air.


@Shatter where’s you big ugly landfish? Can he tell us what it felt like to be in the water before you enslaved him?


Answer = unlikely, unless they look at the surface


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