I'm hardly maxed and never get loot. How can I improve to be more like GHZD?


I been playing rotmg for sometime now but I never get loot. I never drank a pot besides HP pot. My character always keep on dying. I always die in LODs and I suck at dodging, All I do is guild runs now because is the only thing keeping me from dying. Guild carries like a boss lollll.


Wish I could see your graveyard


Don’t die.

Don’t go to LoDs


protip: stick to the early game if all you’ve got are 0/8’s XD

the best way to improve is to fix this, but there’s no easy fix either. you just have to stick with the game and keep practicing. you’ll get better over time


But they are fun and drop important stuff like dex and spd…


I never quit :100:





Do Lods with range till your expert to get close


I only do LoDs for chests which are rigged and should be able to give me drops which never happens :frowning:


All I ever do is Necro though…


Quite monsters always kill me or paralyzed Boss

Snake pit also takes hours to solo and I always nexus b4 finish




So solo.

So play carefully.



Definitely not a troll :slight_smile:


Ew necro, you need to get that wizzy out…oh wait.

I don’t think you’ll be getting much loot in lods 0/8…you should stick with farming sprites until you make lot’sa bank to start maxing.

To analyze your deaths and try and find a solution.


How will that help? I always still get quited or I palyze boss with my Ctrap and accidently kms…[quote=“ConsoleMC, post:14, topic:6204”]
So play carefully.

Easier said then done buddy boy :wink:


Most of my deaths are instakills :joy:


The question is, Instakills by which monsters?


Hmm yes, wait what is that?


Key of lights, Gods, Janus, O2, Thessal, Limon, Crystal Seed Prisoner, and occasionally the lone Lucky ent.