Inviting the 'moderators' group to a topic


And the other thing is nobody needs or wants to be “that guy” who’s always running to mom and dad either. Do I get the idea of having a low key option. Just no idea what steps we need to take. @mreyeball is it a size limit issue?


Making us all leaders will up our invite limit and thus fix this problem.

Ta da ez solution. You’re welcome.


Pfft… making us leaders will also allow us to close threads and merge them, problem solved!


Then what will I be good for? I’m making you a leader for a couple minutes to see if that is the issue. Please invite moderators group.

… And neither of you were present to test.


I was at work :stuck_out_tongue: I got that job.

Want to test now @Stupidity ?


Okay try it.

Also congrats. Is this the job where you used a software you didn’t know at the interview?


Yes it is! just got the call late cause Christmas and what not.


So did you try inviting the moderators group?


@stupidity so it must not be a amount limit or the leader limit doesn’t go past 10


It’s that even what rate limited means?

…I get the same error message.


well congrats on the temporary leadership role!

Shatter : bans everyone


Perhaps it means how fast you are inviting people and since you are trying to invite so many it considers it as spam invites?

However why mods wouldn’t be able to spam invite is beyond me.


Update: Uh, I’ve invited 15 people and the system isn’t stopping me yet. I’ll try till 20, then post again.

Update 2: Alriiiiighty then 0__0. I’ve just invited 21 people and I don’t want to keep going, but it seems that my idea of rate limited isn’t what I thought it was. Perhaps it’s because I’m a Regular and I get more but still doesn’t explain why I can’t invite the moderators group.

@Stupidity I posted this above but whatever.

From the code, it seems to be a daily invite limit of 10.

max_bookmarks_per_day: 20 max_flags_per_day: 20 max_edits_per_day: 30 max_invites_per_day: 10 max_topics_in_first_day: 5 max_replies_in_first_day: 10

Sorry if you get invited, I’ll @ you here once I’m done so that you know you can just ignore this (testing).

Please ignore this @ and the invite, this was just a test!

@OtherBill                     [Please ignore? YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME. OB]
@HGKing                     [I’m with OB; NO IGNORING THIS ON MY WATCH. ♥HG]

Creating a Good Item Idea

Please ignore the invite, it was for testing purposes only.


so that means you can only invite one person 10 times or several people times times in total. you could also test that.

edit: oh i guess you are doing that, i just got invited here


:sweat_smile: I’m doing some googling about why inviting groups doesn’t work. Shatter would be proud.

Edit: My googling did not yield anything. :head_bandage:

@Shatter could you possibly test this the spam invites with your @ShatterBro account since it’s only member?

Edit2: Nvm, ShatterBro is new user rip

Edit3: WAAAAAAH, the mods are bullying me ;-; @OtherBill @HGKing           [NO WE’RE NOT. :wink: OB]


I’m not sure, but can any moderators check out if this plugin is working correctly?

It seems to be a [relatively] new feature implemented June 2016, and that could possibly be the problem. Though this has to do with messages, I’m pretty sure that messages are treated the same way as topics given the URL (/t/topicname/2251).


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