LANTERN 2.0 (USE) - Laid Back Experienced Guild - (UPDATED REQ)


I sent my application, hoping to get accepted!


I sent my application on the link on the thread, is that on aight or should I resend it?


Welcome to the guild!


Yeah man! Fill out this application here -->



Thanks @Scorchmist <3
new link -->


one thing that i would like to pick at is:

like, if i did 1 ffa tomb, i could say i have experience, i think a more progressive scale would be better?


Updated it

Searching for a guild / 2 8/8, 2 7/8

Thanks again @Scorchmist


thanks g


Alright letā€™s see deez requirements
6/8 check
Fame flow? I have no idea what the heck that means so ~
Open realmeye? Check
Active? Check
Experienceā€¦ with tombs and shattersā€¦ Iā€™ve been in like 3 clean tombs and like 0.5 clean shatters.

Basic rules
Remaining mature? Probable check
No blue stars? Check
No hax? Check
No Duping? Check
Useast? Good thing thatā€™s my home server.

Oh wait discord? I donā€™t use discordā€¦ nvm then.


kek eveyone who left shipwrecked pretty much came here.


guess that means they were either

  • kick from shipwrecked
  • didnt like something about previous guild but the new guild changed that


Thankā€™s for not applying in the correct spot, and thanks for the irrelevant post!


I donā€™t understand how you guys are the ā€œsexiest guildā€ in the realm when you guys donā€™t have meā€¦


Maybe u should join


That was the point,


The point was to be cancerous and completely cause problems / annoying spam for no reason.

Please donā€™t reply to this thread again :slight_smile:


I would like to have an explanation to why my shitpost [quote=ā€œEnvy, post:60, topic:4618ā€]
completely cause problems
As I donā€™t think anyone but you really cares.


LOL Itā€™s my thread, Iā€™m the only person who should care youā€™re wasting my time by replying to my guild thread with irrelevance lmao.