Looking for a fun, yet serious guild


Hi, I’m Yoursis. I am looking for an active guild that has loves shatters, tombs, and ocean trenches :slight_smile: I would like to say that I’m pretty knowledgeable about the game since I have been here 6+ years.

I’m pretty experienced in all dungeons. I’m relatively active on Realm, which means 5 days a week. I have a discord incase it is a requirement.


Classes I currently have ATM:

(Making Wiz, Huntress, Knight fairly soon)

I open occasionally, usually when there is a good deal haha. If you have any other questions let me know!

Thanks :slight_smile:


Note: Favorite Dungeon is the Shatters.

I play on USW server mainly, but I am open to being in other servers!


Do you hold a grudge to guilds in USW or something? Yes there are hackers throughout the game, but they’re not solely located in USW. I’ve been in many guilds in USW; they have been from adequate to excellent guilds. So, I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at here.


Derivation’s there, nuff said

Screw USW


An invite from Derivation wouldn’t be too shabby :wink:


Shatter’s there 'nuff said.

Screw Derivation.



hurting inside


So no invites from either? Darn.


Oh sorry I didin’t know you were the OP, sorry if I got your hopes up.


beach zone


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