[MUSIC] I made a remix of the rotmg theme :D


1 min of what song?


The remix. The rising sound is so familiar, yet non-existentā€¦


haha :D.


Was it in old RotMG times? It wasnā€™t? I am fulfilled. xD


mp3 would be nice, as well as the bpm of the song, although i dont need the bpm, it would just make things a bit easier. :P.


Iā€™ve downloaded LMMS, so far, it seems fun O .o
Itā€™s kinda glitchy though, if I open to many of the stuff(No idea what the ā€˜Stuffā€™ is called,
the thing would crash. So guess Iā€™d have to open one at a timeā€¦ but anyways, Iā€™ll use that program to make the basic beat of the piece, but Iā€™m wonderingā€¦does the beat of the song have to be the same all the way through? > ~>ā€¦


I dont think so, but i am not very good with lmms, i just heard it was a really nice, and free.

If you want something a bit simpler or less glitchy, try using the free trial of FL Studio (still kinda complex, but not too bad), or onlinesequencer.net (extremely simple).

Just fyi tho, you cant re-edit something on the fl studio trial, after closing it, so you have to make the entire song in one go.

If you want you can just send the lyrics, and ill make an original track to go with it.

My email is leokuraoka1@gmail.com


I have to tell you that the internet Iā€™m using now kind of sucks, so I wonā€™t be able to view that file you sent me until sometime tomorrow when Iā€™ve reached a better internet location


k. :P.


I was listening to this song, and my Pally died in a dirty Shatts at basically the same moment the music played the death sound ;-;


:open_mouth: dang. i feel bad 4 u :P.


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