My complaints to stupidity [actually Doc]


Well, Yesterday, Danmoney said that he was hosting roulette. I decided why not, I can be middle man.
@stupidity decided to call it a scam and that was really not cool. Then when I tried to buy trenches, he decided to call me scammer and shut down the post. I mean like first, I DO NOT SCAM
2nd, Isn’t witch hunting not allowed?

  1. That’s not which hunting, it’s protecting forumers.

  2. It was doc not stupidity.

  3. You had the same ip as dahmoney

  4. Stupidity is a amazing mod as is doc. They want the best for the forums.

  5. That post was also shut down due to it being a trading post. Which we don’t allow her. Use realmeye


kk boss


@MoneyNatsu Of course you could be living in the same house or a friend of @DANMONEY but @Doc is quite meticulous with these kinds of things; he won’t randomly call out people without proper proof.

I took the liberty to do some RealmEye stalking and DANMONEY’s account was made within one day of your own.

Additionally, both of your fame histories were both relatively inactive until approximately March 2016, when both accounts started having spikes in activity.

This isn’t a direct attack at you, but rather the RealmEye forums doesn’t support trading. Use the trading page of RealmEye for that.


Don’t expect not to be called out when you call someone out for rightfully calling you out.


Time to call him out for calling out his being called out.




I have to bump this…

How is this forum feedback again?


Um why this was a post that should not be revived…

and would you not consider a mod complaint forum feed back? they do run the forums.


I don’t know. It’s kinda weird to have a mod complaint in the forum feedback.

Not like those mods will get demoted…


Yeah because all the active mod’s are wonderful.

though i’m sure if one messed up bad it could happen.


…discord guys?

starts evil planning muahhaha


I agree with you here. Shouldn’t this be in the WC? @regulars?


Why would we sensor moderation complaints? the best thing you can do is not do this.


This. Let dead threads die. :wink:


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