New Content is Coming to Realm! Be a Beta Tester!


Mod note: this is a cross-post from the official thread posted by Sileeeeex on /r/rotmg. -Doc

Dear Community,

Since taking over Realm about 70 days ago, we have been working on improving various parts of the game… from fixing exploits, to cracking down on multiboxing, to month of the mad god, to event chests, to infrastructure improvements, etc etc. On top of all that, we’ve also been diligently working on completely new content behind the scenes. We were glad to work together on a lot of this with several passionate and talented members of the community.

We are now at a point where we want some critical feedback on this new content from a wider group of beta testers.

If you want to be part of this group that gains early access here’s what you need to do:

  • Check out our Facebook post, like the post and leave a comment, stating why you definitely need to be among the first to test the upcoming content before everyone else
  • Then submit your player name in the official form along with your FB name and email.
  • Get hyped and wait to be contacted!

All of the commenters will be put in a raffle. We will select 100 random people from that list and contact them with details afterwards. If you aren’t selected, you won’t be contacted and we’ll delete your raffle data.

So don’t wait around, we are looking forward to your comments!

** Edit ** To clarify, we will select 100 random commenters, but we will look at your comments to determine if you would be a suitable tester and will take the duties seriously. We may even take people outside the initial 100 if we like your comment enough.

Event Details:

Start date: 28th of September 8:00 am UTC / 10:00 am CEST / 1:00 am PDT

End date: 29th of September 8:00 am UTC / 10:00 am CEST / 1:00 am PDT

Winners will be selected and notified by 30th of September 6:00 pm UTC / 8:00 pm CEST / 11:00 am PDT


  • Every player entering must like and leave a comment on this facebook post
  • Every player entering must leave his in-game name & facebook name & email address in this google form
  • Only one entry per player - multiple entries will be disqualified
  • ** Also Note** that after the testing period outlined below ends, your account will be removed from test server access


Be among the first to test out upcoming content on the closed test server during the specified time frame below

Testing on closed test server

Start date: 30th of September 6:00 pm UTC / 8:00 pm CEST / 11:00 am PDT

End date: 5th of October 8:00 pm UTC / 10:00 pm CEST / 1:00 pm PDT


We received a number of messages asking why we ask for the email address in the form. Here are the reasons:

  • We don’t have emails for people who play on kongregate and Steam. So to be inclusive of the entire community we need to ask for emails.
  • Using FB was our way to help build awareness that we are recruiting beta testers, since the message will be sent to our entire network of FB followers and to their network if they like the message.
  • If you don’t want your FB friends or anyone else to know you play Realm then you shouldn’t like or comment or join this contest.
  • The reason we say we will delete the raffle data is that many people are sensitive about their email address and getting contacted via email. So we wanted to make sure people understood that we would not be contacting them on the email unless they were selected to be part of this group.
  • We still need the email addresses and player names for those who are selected to be testers in order to send them information on testing and to help setup their testing accounts. So that data won’t be deleted since we still need it.



Inb4 facebookless people complain.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m facebookless too.


Quick question: does the email address have to match the one you use for the actual account?

Also, I don really like this whole ‘raffling’ business; closed testers should be selected based on their ability to provide useful feedback.

Open testing is what the hundreds of people are for; testing bugs and reliability stuff.


I just don’t get it. Seems more like a pat on the head for all those begging for open testing or another recruitment for closed testing.

Raffling can’t guarantee competencies to give accurate feedback, limiting everything to Facebook, while Reddit seems to be the main communication hub seems like a weird shot at advertisement/e-popularity more than anything else, and getting 100 testers for a week doesn’t really look like stress-testing.

All in all I bet stuff is gonna be messed up when it hits Prod anyway.

Also a little concerned with the suspicious data-collecting that’s happening.


I just scrolled through the Facebook comments and I can literally just put names to existing RotMG accounts, which might help finding out other accounts of said people, possibly getting their RotMG email as well.

Not really sure why would someone bother at this point (with active Support, security questions, etc.), but hey - Deca made it possible! :frowning:


I don’t think anyone does yet. It’s a publicity stunt. Sure, Deca may get some worthwhile feedback from these people, but that’s not the point. It’s to engage the broader population and generate excitement… and more likes on their Facebook page. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

I suspect we’ll see another similar event exclusive to their Twitter account at some point soon.

Edit: DG_Fever expanded on their reasoning a bit more in his reply.

We don’t have emails for people who play on kongregate and Steam. So to be inclusive of the entire community we need to ask for emails.

Using FB was our way to help build awareness that we are recruiting beta testers, since the message will be sent to our entire network of FB followers and to their network if they like the message.

Yes, if you don’t want your FB friends or anyone else to know you play Realm then you shouldn’t like or comment or join this contest. But we didn’t ask anyone to post their IGN on the comment only in the private form.

The reason we say we will delete the raffle data is that many people are sensitive about their email address and getting contacted via email. So we wanted to make sure people understood that we would not be contacting them on the email unless they were selected to be part of this group.

We still need the email addresses and player names for those who are selected to be testers in order to send them information on testing and to help setup their testing accounts. So that data won’t be deleted since we still need it.


There is no way I would use facebook for my rotmg. It feels that a mistake could easily be made that would give would be hackers my rotmg information.


You’re not alone. Hasn’t stopped nearly 1000 people from signing up, though.


I mean I signed up to try to get into testing, but I think that by taking a random 100 replies, then from there weeding out the false ones… Means that the more stupid replies people make, the less chance legitimate players have of getting access.

Also, I wonder if they have any age restrictions on the beta testers.

And anyone else find it a bit weird that the “RotMG needs beta testing” link on the menu screen links to the reddit, which in turn links to the facebook? Seems somewhat circuitous path to take to be able to submit. For that matter, the “event rules” link on the FB post goes right back to the reddit post.

Anyway, best of luck to everyone. I truly hope this leads to better testing and feedback on this game.


mules and VPNs intensifies


I’m probably too weak to do it. :sob:


Why would that have anything to do with it? I think it would be beneficial to have a variety of players test new stuff instead of only the best. Good players often become blind to the struggles other people have.


Pretty sure only known faces and popular youtube users will be ‘randomly’ selected to this.


Yeah, probably.


was not the case at all


My thoughts exactly.
