Pet sending


Assuming you didn’t understand, this is what I meant.

The hacker hacks into the account with the good pet. He then sends a request to the recipient account (hacker’s personal). The hacker accepts, then the pet is sent.

The end.


Oh, if you have the account, then why ever use your original again? Just take over the other guys account.


And rip didn’t win anything for the christmas :frowning:


I like this idea for its legitimate use, however when you are able to send things between accounts you open up holes for things like hacking, mentioned above, as well as Real World Trading, like a site that will send you a maxed pet so you avoid the ‘hassle’ of maxing a pet. There is also no doubt in my mind people would find ways to scam eachother.




A Random Person: Can I buy your pet?

You: Sure. 8 Life?

A Random Player: Deal. You send first.

You: I don’t want to be scammed. You give first.

A Random Player: No, I don’t want to be scammed. You go first.

##Repeat line below ∞ times.

You: I don’t want to be scammed. You give first.

A Random Player: No, I don’t want to be scammed. You go first.


well at least i dont lie when i sell keys (aka never)


S> 100/100/100 pet, 800$ paypal


I find this is the main problem with the idea


there is sooo many problems…

the bad out weigh the good greatly


I agree there are many problems with it, but I would find this would be what turns any company away from the idea.


Anything that loses them money turns them away this idea even ignoring the RWT and scamming is noting to them but loss of profits.


I think it is a fair idea but I think you should be able to do it more than twice, so that it can be like a new way of trading. And maybe the pet that you trade is higher than pet yard it either goes into egg form and spawns with same stats and perks.




Or you could, you know… like, not completely break the game.


How will this break the game?


read these replies


The problem with this is that people would buy cheap accounts just with good pets and send them to their own accounts then fuse them with their own pets. But i think you should be able to email them and request to change the pets in an honest situation like yours.


You can’t prove the situation is “honest”. Anything can be falsified.


True but you will have to give evidence to them that you own the account, aka security questions, so you will have to go through alot of effort to get a single pet. Although for a maxed pet it might be worth it.