PLZ FREE ITENS PlZ i know your are all rich just you all selfish! [discussion on beggars]


Are you referring to me?


I never give items to people who beg and you should have guessed it if you think a little more:
Begging is annoying. If I satisfy a beggar he will think that begging works, and will beg even more and become more annoying for everyone else.

Also why donā€™t you donate all your money to build school for kids in Africa. You got money to play this game yet youā€™re so selfish that you donā€™t donate money to people in need wow so selfish wow


yeah thats a problem


itā€™s crazy. I used to do these weekly drop parties in USWest2 nexus, usually a few dozen old tops and such. Iā€™ve stopped doing that lately, and the last one was almost a month ago. BUT I STILL GET BLUE STAR PMS BEGGING FOR FREE ITEMS!!! Some beggars have very long memories.

The sad thing is that they just sit around in nexus all day begging and begging sometimes trading without really playing the game and getting any better. Most beggars I know donā€™t improve at all. Even after a few months they stay the same star rank with no character improvement. Eventually most of them quit. I donā€™t really blame them either. This game has a pretty steep learning curve, and the community is kinda toxic at times. They have a hard time finding friends to play with or more experienced players willing to teach them how to run basic dungeons like sprite worlds, etc. I always advise them to find an active guild with a welcoming community that can help them gain experience and foster their growth into better players.


The only time I give free itenz if if Iā€™m in a dung for someone and I drop the stuff I donā€™t want in my pbag.


@Xaklor no


well, would you prefer I do this?

because I donā€™t mind, and that was your intent for choosing that title, was it not?


Lol you would wc a perfectly adept discussion?
@Cannedsoup was giving me a lesson on clickbait, this was my 1st assignment


y tho he just clarified the title that you even admitted was clickbait and for trapping regulars?? Iā€™ve never heard of this t_ t


It was a joke.


and itā€™s not a funny one


wtf, why do you keep on dragging me into whatever you say.

And what technique is that?
But congrats on making it to my lonely muted people.


@Kamakamaha Oryxyeti could you stop lowkey attacking regulars for no reason?

Edit: @Efnuiwrbvu




When the fck did scorchmist exemplify that

Scorch I think is against that sort of thing eg on Reddit he got triggered over someone saying that not being able to teleport to a guild mate due to 1sec of the 7sec tp delay (see shatterā€™s post) is the true meaning of depression

( thanks shatter)


Should realm pursue an egalitarian goal, or is it more beneficial to have ā€œupper, middle and lowerā€ classes of players?


Then thereā€™s gonna be an uprising of the lower/ working class players who is gonna overthrow the upperclass players


It was a question, not a statement :P


Itā€™s a reference to Russian/ French Revolution -_-


Sir, Iā€™m not begging, but I would highly suggest you to send your old tops to me instead of sending it off to some random beggars (which I totally am not). Again, not begging, and have a good day. If you got this, pls pm me back.
