Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


wow! thats amazing! when did you do that?


A-? Your eyes are the same size and horizontal to each other. This is C work at best. :wink:


</3 Doc, you’re supposed to be healing my heart, not breaking it. ;(


Thanks! :slight_smile: Almost 5 years ago. Iirc.


K uh… no judge


Not bad c:

I also like your christmas tree ‘santa of the realmeye’


That awkward pose


Brought the onesie to denny’s!


cute <3


cute (im a gay ,trans, black,muslim, person pls no discrimnate?) :blush:


You look like the type of guy that would make his profile picture Anime.


Rockin’ the Donald Trump hair!


that’s actually pretty sad LOL
this is a real pic of me




Oh hi. @shaxasno its your turn now :slight_smile:


Phoo! Are the picture people have posted above even updated? xo Like actual new pictures not from 5 years ago? :ii


idk. Some pics arent even them.


It would not be fair for me to post an updated pic when everyone else is from 5 years ago :^I


wtf. Most people posted an update pic!!!

Just b/c someone else robbed the store, doesnt means you can rob the store.