

Have you played with one? If not you wouldn’t know, the thing lasted 2 years. Your turn to show me up.


pebo realms :smiley:


@Shatter, any tips on being good at the game? I’m pretty sure I’ve lost all my skill at the game. All I do is train cause I’m bad at the game >.>


@Shatter What is your second favorite pet sprite?




@Shatter nice alarm (not being sarcastic)


@Shatter Which dungeon do you think is harder to solo with a mystic: Tomb of the ancients, Shatters, or Wine Cellar ???




@Shatter any specifics? Rushing? boss fights?


1st boss


What part ???!!




lmao true

I get overspawned all the time


*Whine Cellar.

@Shatter, why did you flag me that one time :C


@shatter why haven’t you flagged me at all @shatter?








I request your answer @Shatter


I probably have somewhere, you wouldnt know