The Corrupted Palace (WIPAD)


So, honestly this is ALMOST DONE, I just need to the the troom, boss, and one more enemy, and maybe a couple more mechanics, but that is why I put it here. So that people can tell me what to add. Ive never done this before soooo, it took me some time, a couple months to do this, but it is a small, but difficult dungeon, that was my goal. Keep in mind this is my firest dungeon, and if you like, AWESOME, if you think that there is something you could improve upon, GREAT! Let me know in the comments! If you dont like it, well, thats okay too!
P.S (I know you support ¨completed ideas" and stuff, but to be fair, this should be done by the end of the next two weeks)




  • Amazing!
  • Good
  • Fine
  • Bad
  • EW!

0 voters


uhh… what is this…


Boss…work in progress.




When you actually post the final version of this dungeon, please polish it up. The formatting and grammar mistakes make it look like a muddle of chaos.

Also, I think the fact that no enemies have any animations but their rest positions seems lazy. They just glide and attack by standing still? Seems more like an excuse not to put the effort of actually making animations for the sprites.


said the guy who has literally never animated a single one of his sprites :stuck_out_tongue:

also yeah this is incomplete, work on it some more


That’s because I’m too lazy to actually animate them for other people. Plus, they might not be used. :stuck_out_tongue:


From my admittedly limited experience, I’d say this could use improvement.

And I made a boss called Khazul ;3


Never expected Puffagod to respond to this :D.

Also, for those who say I dont have animation? Yes I do, the two slides of animation are right there, if you want a third slide fine, I can put one in. Im sorry puffagod I had no idea you made a boss by almost the same name! I made this guy before I saw your dungeons, I swear.


Note To All: Thank you to all who voted even if you thought it SUCKED.

I personally expected nothing but hate, so 41% who think its good is much more than I expected.


Made some suggestions… actually ALOT.
Really good for a first dungeon, though I wouldn’t give it an “amazing”, sadly.
Grammar needs a bit work, some sprites I think could be better, but that boss looks SICK. Pretty h*ckin gud, 7.5/10


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