The General Chat Thread


  • whistles *

@Scorchmist I got your hair stylist to do Ryan’s hair like yours :slight_smile:


lol, thats actually pretty good

i always thought of him as ken .




I look noice :smiley: (I’ll save it and wear it some day!)


I always read it as Keen Ryan, with the an added after keen to make it flow smoother. Triple syllable names and up can be interpreted in many ways :stuck_out_tongue:


i read it as

ken - asdagrsgregh


Kee-nan ry-an

And how to pronounce:
(key-nan rye-an)


you know the usual off optic


sigh rip


New avatar my boiz
(I got other ones too if you want to see)



what is that…

a cookie with pimples?!


Lore -

Planet earth seriously is not the place to be during the start of February.
Being easily aroused and loved by friends causes CPirateMonkeys skin to glow like an angel, and be frisked with love hearts.

Dang it he looks like a right idiot when he goes into battle. But hey - share the love…


that looks like chickenpox



I got the first case of it.

Might as well share the rest. I mean, meh.


wow. nice. one for each season.


This makes up for me being lazy on Kabam forums… And this christmas


The last one kinda reminds me of happy tree friends


(Birthday / New year)



nice i got a new star



who are you?!

its blinding me!

you look better orange, well i almost always say that for the previous star


Oh god the yelow looks really weird…