The tastiest of skins


Hello ! After my mini Enforcer Bot skin, I tried to make a food-type skin. I know the coloring is meh, but I mostly tried to get the shape of a toast right

Any advices how to improve it ?


Should I @Toastrz here too :thinking: (too late)


Nice and tasty.
I’d totally eat it.
I’d rate it 8/10.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab some toast.


It’s lit!


@DreadDrake would hate for such a good skin to be used on a warrior


Plz don’t give warr a nice treat like this one.


Maybe this could be a pet skin? Just wondering, mostly because I love it.


I fucking love this.


Too op. This would make you invulnerable to Bonegrind the Butcher’s attacks, which is broken.


Oh, I made an improved version with better colors :




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