Theoretically speaking


is it possible to solo lava walk with a t4 tome and a lvl 84 MP heal pet?


Yes! if you have many white drake eggs :wink:


should also work with a lot of hp/mp pots and wines


I sorta doubt that would be enoguh.


If one has 16mp wines and full hp/mp pots then that would be an additional hp of ~10000 which is prob enough.

Mp Elixirs should safely work too.


Theoretically, you could carry 112 Elixirs with a backpack.

If you take only Mana Elixirs, that’s 14 000 Mp.

That’s about 187 uses of a t4 Tome I think.

Which translates to about 50 490 Hp healed at 75 Wisdom.

On top of that, you have the permanent Healing buff too, which is roughly 28 Hp/sec.

40 Vit is about 5.8 Hp/sec.

Apparently lava-walking takes about 2 minutes 40 seconds solo, or 160 seconds.

That means over the course of the whole thing, you’ll have regenerated approximately 5408 Hp.

With maxed Life your Priest has 670 Hp. (doesn’t really matter though, as you’ll soon see).

So the question becomes: can you consistently complete a lava-walk and take less than 56 568 damage in the process?

Let’s say you take about 2 ticks of damage per second.

Hot lava does between 70 and 80 damage per tick, so that’s 75 on average per tick.

That would mean, using our previous 160 seconds figure, that you would take about 24 000 damage on average during a lava-walk.

Let’s say it’s 3 ticks per second and they all do maximum damage. That would be about 38 400 damage.


Conclusion: provided that all data on the wiki is correct, it should theoretically be possible to solo lava-walk with just a t4 Tome, regardless of Pet and with only Spd/Wis/Vit maxed.


The short answer is yes you can but a t5 tome will make you feel a lot safer. Plus using t5 you won’t need MP pots.


Right but if you’re allowing those consumables for this theoretical question then shouldint you allow white drake eggs too xD

Pop like 6. Tada


This is where I lost you.

On the crossover to the bridge, you will be taking at least 2 ticks every time you move, so more like 4-5 ticks (Once you are going back to bridge)

Still doesn’t make a difference.


Drake eggs op


Yes you could do it without op consumables with max wis and lots of mp pots in inv
(You may need a t5)

(Ik he has a better pet)


Yeah, you’ll also notice I didn’t take Mp regen or pet into consideration. (mostly because I was too lazy to look up exact numbers for pet levels).

lvl 84 Magic Heal (what OP claims to have) is 19.21 Mp/sec.

75 Wis is 5 Mp/sec.

Over the course of a lava walk (again, keeping the 160 seconds previously used), that’s … 3873.6?

Max Mana on Priest is 385.

With 4258.6 Mp, you could use your t4 Tome 56 times.

That’s 15,120 Hp healed.

Now let’s assume CrazyPingu’s pet has Heal as a second ability. It will most likely be around lvl 81, which adds 34.37 Hp/sec to his regen.

Using the 160 seconds standard again, that’s 5499.2 Hp regenerated.

So now we add up Vit+Healing buff+Pet Magic Heal+Pet Heal.

You can take about 26,697 damage with a lvl 84 Magic Heal pet and a t4 Tome without using any consumables whatsoever.

I didn’t account for bad timing or diagonals, that is true.

Then again you can also shave off several seconds by clearing an extra group of minions before going into the hot lava and maybe even more by reaching the bridge as soon as possible.

As long as you take as many Mp consumables as you can find, it shouldn’t be impossible.

For example just full stack+full inventory of Mp pots=1400 more Mp.

Which means 18 more uses of your Tome.

That’s 4860 extra Hp.

With full backpack you’d have 11 more uses.

That’s 2970 more.

So 7830 Hp total.

In theory the best consumable gives you +200 Mp (as long as you don’t care about the Drunk status effect.)

So with full Mp pot stack+full inv+full backpack, you’d have 3800 Mp.

That’s 50 uses of the t4 Tome.

Or 13,500 Hp healed.


I agree, but still an inconsistency
There is no way to precisely measure how much damage you can take.


Since the title of the thread was “Theoretically speaking”, I thought it’d be fun to just toss a few numbers around.

If you want a practical answer, then of course it’s going to be significantly shorter:

Get St Ab/t5 Tome/Gsorc/Geb ring, have another friend with lvl 80+ Pet and the same gear, max both 6/8 at least and always try to grab as many Mp pots as you can while doing the rest of the Shatters.


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