Unhiding people caught


Can we have an option to tag a player on realmeye as “cheater” or something like “ToS violated” and block some options to hide their realmeye’s characters? It makes it a lot easier to ban people who violate the ToS, since most of evidence regarding RWT and duping can be found on realmeye.


Realmeye does have a cheater tag. Whether it is ethical to make people with enough cheater tags force show their characters is a good question.


Go to the other person’s RealmEye profile, mark them, and move on:

(However, being publicly accessible, this is subject to the “court of public opinion”, and Deca shouldn’t make banning decisions based on data here.)


It would surely never happen that tagging a player reveals things that the player wishes to hide, that is just too open to misuse.

“Everyone do /tell MrEyeball tag cheater PrivatePlayer !!”

and then PrivatePlayer who just wants a quiet life, gets made public on RE because of this mass-tagging? No.

[Thread would fit nicely in a dedicated RealmEye subforum, not for Game Discussion as it’s not about Rotmg but RE - moved to Community Hub.]


Perhaps no, I agree that there could be many false accusations. But maybe we can get a realmeye team, which evidence can be submitted if a player is concerned.


This requires several volunteers with a lot of time on their hands. It’s also important that the “evidence” is thoroughly checked and legitimate, because just like court systems in real life, mistakes happen.

What’s the result? Most likely a lot of wasted time and effort, along with a few furrowed brows.


Sounds an awful lot like Deca’s customer support people, eh? (i.e., the people who are already doing it, and the appropriate people to get involved?)


Even though I’d love to see more done against cheaters, I think that this might get out of hand too easy.


Hmmm I mean it’s not like there’s a big ass forum already made this will be so hard


Yes but a lot of people are too lazy to write a good report paper to them.


But if RealmEye’s information is going to be reputable, those people have to submit that same information (as you say, a “good report paper”) to the RealmEye people instead. Again, you might as well let Deca do their job (as it is their job).


Well for one thing, the realmeye has a beautiful user interface that is much better than deca’s support page. My idea is sort of like a report text you can pm mr eyeball, which then his realmeye becomes public if enough players report him. Then you can submit evidence through the now public profile, and see if it gets approved. This is also much easier for DECA to notice, knowing that they went through the trouble to get MrEyeball to whitestar, they will be encouraged to use realmeye’s reported database to ban or warn players.


Still, the missing piece here is that Deca has to begin using RealmEye.

Hint: They don’t. The fact that they’re continuing to use the subreddit as their “official” communication channel shows that they’re really not interested in engaging here.

Perhaps this idea needs to begin with addressing that discrepancy.


Hm, and to be honest with you the sub reddit was a complete failure as a forum, what was supposed to be a sub addressing issues ad answering questions has been reduced down to a single thread, the Weekly questions thread, so that the threads containing stupid memes and jokes can snag the upvotes. If you don’t believe me, look at the top 200 posts. I don’t want to sound I like I don’t like having fun (being a shitposter myself wink wink), it just doesn’t serve as a forum, its more a…a…meme page.

Do you think we should try to convince deca to move the official forums to realmeye? or should toxicity stay where it’s at? I feel like a lot of reddit users wouldn’t like the rules here, and interpret it as “no fun allowed,” but mean while the rules here do a great job getting rid of stupid things and do allow for positive, on topic discussion that the subreddit lacks.


We offered, they declined. If they ever have reason to reconsider, at least they know it’s an option. Still, their posting to the subreddit is better than getting no communication from them at all.


That’s true.

Plot twist deca thinks memes>game discussion


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