[UT staff idea] Moonlight Marking Twig


@BaraBlazer the updated post provides so much more clarity to this. Thanks so much! On another note, the ROF of 200% is something unique to the Thousand Shot Bow. Perhaps you could bump up the damage a bit and nerf the rate of fire? :heart: by the way love this idea


Alright, changed the RoF to 170% and the samage to 55-65.
Thanks for the compliments! It took quite a while to get the illustration working, but I can see that it was definitely worth it!


oh why the fuck are you using lucius if you have athos or MOTHERFUCKING PENT

I like it.


Changed the staff mechanics, and added the coding attempt.
I swear the details thing worked in the preview. Don’t kill me pls.


still doesnt answer the thing with athos

Could you do it in XML? Maybe on pfiffel, i dunno.


I have no idea how you do that text slash-thing. I grabbed the first image off google, and got lucius :yum:

The aim at your cursor thing didn’t work on pfiffel, so I can’t attach that here…


The text slash thing is done like


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