Wand of Elements


Wand of Elements

This powerful wand was made by mysterious gods of the realm and was implanted into Belladonna.


  • Tier: UT
  • Damage: 450 - 480
  • Range: 7.8
  • Projectile Speed: 12
  • Rate of Fire: 22%
  • Stat Bonus: +2 DEF, +2 ATK, +2 SPD, etc
  • Special properties: Shots pass through enemies
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 750

####Drops From:

  • Belladonna

####Fun Fact
This is almost as rare as the Dirk of Cronus because it is so good! :slight_smile:

Thanks for commenting, it helps me with, for what I should do later.

Sorry, it only lets me put one image on post. :stuck_out_tongue:


What. What is the rate of fire. You have to put a damned number there


lol oops


Considering that it has that low RoF and wands are already hard to land hits with?

Not redeeming it… Wands shouldn’t have that low range? That would make it play at somewhat the range of a dagger class with the already limiting stats mentioned earlier?


Welcome to the forums @Drayray

have a :cookie:
btw its a worse version of a cwand. yours is the green one. the 5.8 range doesn’t help AT ALL either.


Your weapon is green.

Recomp out damages it until 66 defence. And your weapon only has a 5.8 range!


and to add salt to the wound cwand deals more damage at that point.


that part of the sprite ruins it for me. get rid of that gray pixel and it wont hurt to look at.


A wand idea with a low rate of fire is probably a bad idea because cwand has the high defence enemies covered.

Maybe you could balance it by setting the rate of fire to 100% and lowering the damage to 110-140. This way It will out-damage recompense but with less range.

Edit: Link to dps calculator: http://www.pfiffel.com/dps/


Btw, the wand is not that OP. On a totally different note, because you thought it would be OP, rareness IMO doesn’t balance Op-ness.


The bullets are wide because the wand is kind of like a sniping wand. If it was real then it would be used for wand classes to deal soulbound damage on high defence enemies.


That wand looks like someone just puked all over it and left it on the sidewalk to dry.


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