Your most memorable rotmg moment


wat was ur most memoroable moment? mine was when i auto nexused right before dying to oryx i was at like 30 hp


My most memorable moment was my first white bag, which was a reskin ep. If not this then making my first 1/8


On-topic:Getting my first event whitebag or my first 8/8 death


Mine was when my autonexus failed and I died at castle


Finishing my 0/8 mystic abyss rush, or maybe my trio shatts.


Mine was when I almost soloed a pcave. The boss does to much dmg they need to nerf it I lost so much pink bag loot I cried for days. Maybe one day I’ll complete one


Pcaves aren’t too hard as long as you know how to complete them. Unfortunately, you need a 8/8 melee to do so, and then rush through the dungeon. Rushing isn’t hard, but the boss is the hardest. Dreadstump is not immune to stun, so go in and stun the boss multiple times and get damage in. Then run out to an empty room. Go back in and repeat. Hope this helps!


I tried just lost my 8/8 knight dang he had a pink bag next to him.


Oh wow. I recommend you kill his minions first, because they don’t respawn. Good luck next time.


Alright I’ll try… now to look on the beach for more pcaves. Wish me luck!


Good luck!


Eh, probably either my first 6/8 and its horrible death.
Or my first white bag. It was a dbow. I didn’t want it either.


mine was when my autoaim wasn’t working so I couldn’t kill oryx minions fast enough so I autonexused with -420 hp


Mine was easily when I realized this entire thread is 50% trolls or 50% people who actually think Tarlan is serious


2 years ago, one night I decided to start playing at 8:00pm with my friend at a sleepover. We decided to get our fresh characters to 6/8 by the next day. To achieve this, an all nighter was required. At 6:00am the next day, we had both reached 6/8. What a wondrous moment! To celebrate this, we both wanted to do one final dungeon, a tomb.

We were rewarded with two 6/8 graves.

True story.


I’ve had a few similar things happen with a buddy, 24 hours without sleep and rotmg do not mix very well


Mine would be my first white bag, then after that my first white bag which wasn’t in Sprite World. (That’s right, I got a staff of iceblast as my first white bag :stuck_out_tongue: Got staff of extreme predjudice right after…) Not maxed my first stat cuz I haven’t maxed one yet. Died not too long ago with 2 wis to max… :sob:


Mine would be getting 100+ life worth of tops with a rogue during the SwatSec attacks. That was both horrible and coffer filling.


my first white bag was surprisingly not a sprite white. It was the jester skin in a puppet troom!


most honorable moment: not accepting when this guy (was probably returded) accepted a trade for 5 def for life. the thing was that i didnt select my life so he straight up accepted 5 def . i canceled the trade bc i am a gud person