2 Questions


Are skins from mystery boxes trade able? Like the jackpot skins.
I know some of the bronze/silver skin chances are tradeable but not sure about the bigger ones or the gold ones.
I can’t find anything about them or see anyone trade on US2 so I’m not sure lol

Also I was able to find and recover my account that’s over 2 years old so I started using that one instead (even though it seemed like there’s absolutely 0 things on it and had to go through tutorial again like it was wiped clean though I have death history from 2 years ago)
Anywaaaay I can’t post anything on that account here on the forums.
It keeps saying that I’m on wait and then the next day I’m off wait and free to post, and then when I post I have to wait again, and then I’m free to post again but nothing was posted, then I try again and I have to wait.
And these waits take more than a day so… yeah. It’s VERY annoying. I have 0 posts on that account and it’s like on probation for nothing. Here I am with an account made a couple weeks ago and I have way more freedom.


@moderators might be able to help with the 2nd question when they are next online.

The 1st question, I think all the skins from mystery boxes are soulbound. The tradeable ones can be found on this page: https://www.realmeye.com/current-offers


Aw! I really want the sword/shield maiden skins.
All it says it that you can get them from mystery boxes but I don’t see them as an option.
Are they limited?


Yes, a lot of them are available for a short time only. Maybe they’ll get cycled back in one day in the future.


Well, they may not be tradable, buuuut…

Third from the left, bottom row (;


Are gold mystery skins as rare as the jackpots? Haha
Even if I do get the gold box, there’s a huge chance I’ll get a skin I don’t want q.q

Did those gold skins come from past jackpot events or are they originally just gold skin rewards?


They are all based off of previous boxes, I may presume - especially since they were added after these skins.


I like the sheep skin too


You’re getting a free Gold Mystery Skin from the facebook event though, as well as 100 Mystery Stat Pots and a backpack.


Whoa that’s insanely nice of Deca!


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