3 Reasons Why

  1. I wasn’t tempted to play RotMG (okay maybe I was a little @Wilhuff) but I couldn’t play either way because China
  2. Stone oryx isn’t a thing
  3. Cool items, even the reskins have a theme

3 reasons why ducks are inferior to hawks


Why am I being pinged?


You explained the event to me (and motmg was the theme of the question)


I did?


I logged in, bugged you about the event, and then dc’d


Ducks can swim, hawks can’t
Ducks are easier to spot irl so you can admire them more easily
Ducks are less lonely than hawks

3 reasons why monopoly is fun


I’m playing in China rn

it’s a family game
it teaches you about money management
cuz u can buy a whole boardwalk for 400$

3 reasons why orcas are epic

  1. 44%20PM

  2. 07%20PM

  3. 18%20PM

3 reasons why Minecraft is better than Fortnite.

  1. Fortnite is for cancer
  2. Minecraft is real man game
  3. BaN GuNz Pl0X !!!1!1!1!!1!1!

3 reasons why mystic is fun


13EFE381-A9B9-44BF-B193-FB0BA8BF7F66 753F2B43-F127-43CF-9506-1A6539423F0D


1 - Her Orb means I can easily berserk myself. Pew pew!
2 - I help everyone by Cursing stuff and removing enemies from a fight temporarily
3 - I can (carefully) rush. zzzoomm zoooom zzoozm

3 reasons why you’d want to visit Sweden.


Swedish meatballs
IKEA tower
Visit pewdiepie’s old house because I have nothing else better to do in sweden

3 reasons why you are better than me

  1. Because I have a cool friend named ArkRumierA.
  2. Because I am was a red-star.
  3. Because…I am…but I’m also not.

3 Reasons why your nickname is what it is

  1. i just played doki doki literature club before naming myself this
  2. decided to change both my name and my guild to match the game
  3. the name is kinda cool / original

3 reasons why you haven’t ended it all yet

  1. Because if I ended it all, it was all be ended.
  2. Because I haven’t ended it all yet, I can end it all in the future.
  3. Because maybe I already have ended it all…that isn’t contradictory to the other two statements at all…

3 Reason why you’re bad



Three reasons why i should try to seriously answer Redox’s post


Cuz redox is redox
Cuz redox is cool
Cuz redox is an epik gamer

3 reasons why aliens are gae (the new realm event)

  1. Because they seem to die just before I enter a realm.
  2. Because quest marker for UFO only shows up sometimes.
  3. Because Katalund has stupid DC glitch.

3 Reasons why Old rock dragon was better


I don’t know because I still have near deaths from

  1. body bombs
  2. bat bombs
  3. that giant eye shotgun

3 reasons why you should have a hobby

  1. So you don’t get bored
  2. If it is a ‘useful’ hobby mayb you can put it on your college resume.
  3. So you can show off

3 reasons why people still play RotMG after it ruins their lives