A friendly discussion about race


Well, I enjoy racist jokes, I usually find them funny regardless of the directed race. Now, if you make a racist comment with genuine hate, you disgust me. The right thing to do is to hate someone because of personality or something the individual can control, not race. You can’t choose, you live with it.

Anyway, I sometimes will go out of my way to make someone’s day miserable if they made someone else miserable for a stupid reason, or no reason at all. That isn’t the right thing to do either, but I enjoy it.

As for Kid’s statement, I think he may just be a bit ignorant. (Being ignorant is by no means a bad thing.) Whites are the majority of people in the majority of games, this includes RotMG. This is because of so many variables that I’d prefer not to list here for simplicities sake.

One thing is certain however, race does not matter when it comes to culture. Culture is something you are born into and defines you much more than race ever will. Yes, some races are more likely to be affiliated with a specific culture. The main point is that you can be any race and have any culture. Culture is what breeds racism, being taught at a young age to despise the whole group, not the individual.

Anyway, that barely explains why the RotMG community is the way it is. It is much more complicated than that, especially because of the fact we are all hiding behind a computer screen whether we want to or not.
Simply implying that’s RotMG is a negative environment because you’ve seen several white faces on a forum is an ignorant thing to state nonetheless.

The best way to fix ignorance is to learn! (Something everyone’s goal should be.)

That’s my rant view.

Anyway, I personally think this topic is pointless as this is a topic that has been discussed forever, but a discussion is a discussion and there is a different view for each person.


Dude you said u muted this thread and u said you’d leave it. We are here discussing random shit as we always do. Hush


I’m going off this. I don’t have time to read your insults.

And by your logic you didn’t read what I had said.

Implying that it wasn’t everything you have said.

Enough of this, I want a discussion, not an arguement.


Very well put Jaws, and you’ve framed what I had on my mind much better than I personally ever could, thank you for that.


I was just being honest.

You made a post that was poorly worded and looked weird to me because I’m not from the US and don’t have the same culture regarding race as you do. All I did was react to it.

I don’t know why you feel the need to be this aggressive towards me or why you think calling everyone on the forums a retard is going to make you look like the better man.

That was my goal with this thread, since I’ve never really had a discussion on that subject. But I don’t know if it’s going to work out all that well. Maybe I should have used something else as conversation-starter.




Edit: removed because I am a forum addict that doesn’t want a flag

Anyway block me like you told me you did


@Shatter @JawsJakt @RMGnoob ignore his comments, rise above the rant. The point of the thread was to hold a discussion, keep it on track. Try not to get triggered guys.


To delete or not to delete that is the question



You constantly say that we can’t judge you because we don’t know you IRL and that you’re a different person online, yet you can apparently pass judgement on people purely based on what they post?

Because if we apply that same standard to you, then you can’t judge me since you have no idea what I’m like outside of the internet. You don’t even know what I look like.

Since when do I need your permission to change the way I post and interact with people?

I’m not trolling you, or roasting you, or anything right now. I’m just trying to talk to you. I’m not responsible for your attitude nor its consequences.

I would appreciate it if you could stop being so aggressive towards people. Not liking me is one thing, calling everyone a retard and threatening them with physical violence is another. Play nice or get flagged.


so is it really that common to look at a community in terms of race? Are there that many people here who consciously notice when there are too many people of a race different from theirs around?

I guess another question would be: what do you think of people belonging to a race that’s not yours, in general?


Response to the last part of your message

Nah i didn’t bat an eye to it


I’d say it would be common for some people to look at a community in terms of race. But for an online community? That’s silly.

I’d be very conscious of a person’s race in real life because I’d be constantly reminded when I look at them. Does this change the way I treat them? Nope. It’s the same deal with another sex. Same deal with your hair. Same deal with your clothes. Same deal.

I try not to judge people that are not my race, and I definitely succeed if my goal is to not express it. Growing up in a moderately racist culture, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to control myself in my head. I’ve been trying since I’ve understood what is right and have failed at some point or another.


I can only give you some personal insight I suppose. I had two of my American friends visit me here in India, and they did face differentiation here. People used to catcall them when we’d be walking across the road - not in a hateful manner, but because they were white, and in my city, it’s not common to see an American.
We visited the capital of India, and a grown man asked my friend to take a picture. We all assumed he wanted my friend to take a picture of his family with the background being some monument. Turns out he wanted a picture of his son with my friend.
It was eye-opening to say the least. My friends were differentiated based purely on the color of their skin. But it wasn’t in any way discriminating in a hurtful manner.

If the person’s got a douchebag personality, they are a douchebag to me. If they are fun to be with, then I’d love to hang out with them. Race doesn’t come into the picture for me. But it does for my parents. There is certain social stigma, attached with different races, and different religions. Some of it is totally untrue, some is true in a general sense - which is where it comes into play in a debatable manner. Some stigma is true in a general sense, and it aids parents in sheltering their children from unknown factors.
An example I can give you is that in general, Indian families in the US will bond together more easily with other Indian families. This does not in any way mean that they will be racist towards non Indians, but there will be a racial bias given towards anyone who shares the same race. A factor which aids in this in a lot of cases is that Indian families are quite conservative and hush-hush when it comes to matters relating to sexual education and such. They prefer to never have to talk about the birds and the bees, and so, they prefer that their kids are exposed to a circle of like-minded families and kids.
This gives way to some sort of differentiation, but it does not mean that there’s a discrimination in a hateful manner.

Just my two cents though.


alright, @RMGnoob i guess i never gave you a fair chance in getting to know you and i did notice you trying to make amends or connect with me somehow a couple times recently, so i’d like to take this time to apologize and let bygones be bygones (?)

@MessltUp same with you, i don’t think it’s fair if this is how our getting acquainted ends… i always liked the way you addressed someone’s concern/question with respect, something i can always commend as a decent person… can we leave this as water under the bridge?

as for @Shatter, it’s going to take a lil while longer, cuz the stuff he said doesn’t fly where i’m from… people get shot over things like that…

but, yeah… i’m sorry for getting worked up like that, because i normally end up feeling guilty for [quote=“MessltUp, post:13, topic:11356, full:true”]
Okay, sorry, I guess?
reactions, which make me feel i was overdoing it to an undeserving person.

we’re all respectable, and i guess i didn’t show enough respect to you guys


Ehhh good going. :slight_smile:

Just come to Canada so I won’t get shot for some insults.



Race thread : :ballot_box_with_check:
Furry thread : :ballot_box_with_check: (?)
Femenist thread : ?



Femenist thread: :ballot_box_with_check:

Now what else do we need?


Religion thread (don’t make one you don’t want me in there)

@Mynamerr er no, not that