A friendly discussion about race


You know @KiddiKong, despite the negative opinion I might have of you, I have to admit at least one thing: you’re always genuine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you lie or troll.

Which is why I believe it’d be interesting if you could explain this for me:

or if at the very least you could tell me whether or not I’m correct in my assumption that you’ve lived in the US for most of your life.

I’m making this a public thread because I want to see if this community is capable of having this discussion.


the community is not, not talking with you about it here or anywhere else

not that big of a deal statement to begin with…

thread muted

(you guys sure do love your drama when i’m just trying to have fun playing a video game.)


Could have been a discussion, sorry RMG, He seems to take any reply to him as a attack.


Who said this was drama?? I made this thread to have a peaceful discussion about a subject not everybody might be familiar with (and some might be much less familiar with it than they think).

How can you judge a community you’ve barely interacted with?

What’s the point of posting on a public forum if you’re never going to accept anybody responding to you or reacting in any way to what you say?

You basically said that every single white person who plays RotMG is the same (despite coming from extremely varied countries, such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, etc…) and implied that might be an issue.

I could have just gotten all offended and thrown every insult and racial slur I could think of at you. I could have covertly gone to the mods and told them I felt your comment was racist and inappropriate and that I wasn’t comfortable with you around.

Instead, I decided to publicly engage you directly in a calm and constructive manner. And somehow, that’s a horrible attack and you can’t respond to it?

It’s funny how you had no qualms answering me when you were calling me an asshole “master derailer” with “no boundaries”, but now that I’m being nice it’s intolerable.

Well, no big. I’ll still leave the thread open for everyone else.


I…I don’t no what to talk about :frowning: I guess since it got flagged for off topic in the orignal I will re iterate it here.

Yes from the post a picture of yourself thread you can see that the Demo is greatly white. Something I saw important to point out was that all these forumers willing to post pictures of them selves on the forums are not the kind of players you would see in game spewing racist bull everywhere. (that being a response to the part where kiddie says “That explains A LOT”)

that is in no way a defence to the demographic nor a attack to others purely my observation.


That came off as quite a racist remark, to say the least. I respect Kiddi as a forumer, and feel that he’s a sensible person - there must be some sort of explanation for the statement he made.

It may have just been a heat of the moment thing as well - we’re all human beings after all.

That being said, I’d appreciate any kind of clarification regarding the comment. But, I respect Kiddi’s wishes on whether he wants to reply to this or not.

As for a discussion

What should we discuss?


I wanted to talk about a theory I have.

Based on his pictures, looks to me like Kiddi lives in the US, so it seems to me this kind of remark stems primarily from him being conditioned by the American culture into thinking of everything as a giant conflict between races.

Another good example is the recent “whitewashing” controversy that was sparked by the live-action Ghost in the Shell movie. It wasn’t people from Japan or other Asian countries complaining, it was Asian-Americans who felt having a white lead actress in a Japanese manga adaptation meant their race was losing points in the US “my race is better than yours” Championship and that they needed to push back to even the score.

My goal with this thread was twofold:

-share this theory on a forum with a number of US people and non-white people of various origins to see what they would think of it;

-give Kiddikong an opportunity to show the rest of the forum he’s capable of having a mature and intelligent discussion and maybe have him form bonds with other forumers over a mutual agreement on a subject, or at least a renewed respect.

Since goal n°2 went nowhere fast, I’m just going to see if goal n°1 works out any better.


Ouch :sob:

I know you have issues with some other forumers here, but that doesn’t mean every single person here is out to get you.


Imo, there’s always going to be a sub conscious differentiation based on facial features, and other general characteristics.

Being ugly makes you different, being tall ditto, being brown ditto etc.

If you’re a white person in India you’ll be racially discriminated, if you’re different from a group of people, there will always be some form of differentiation. Imo it’s up to the person whether to define that differentiation as discrimination or not.

Whitewashing is a thing for sure, but maybe GitS live action would’ve sucked with some random Asian actor (maybe not, we’ll never know). But then, here’s another arguement - we have so many other live action films, how many of those have done stellar because the cast was all of the matching race?
If a movie sucks it’s never solely based on the cast.

I know racism is a thing, people being killed for it is a thing. But every other slight comment made is not imo, racial discrimination. It’s natural differentiation that people will make.

I’m not at all saying Kiddi’s comment was by any means justified, but there’s a difference between a mountain and a molehill.


I read your comment then wanted to make a reeee post by posting the ghost in the shell white washing.

then came back and noticed that you are talking about ghost in the shell :stuck_out_tongue: (also just noticed RMG talking about it too)

get it together jason D:<

and honestly I couldn’t care less about kiddies comment I found it completely fine it understandable that someone would see the large white demo and relate it to how some people act ingame. There was no argument, no hate, no fire being started.


I don’t think it’s a natural thing.

Having a subconscious tendency to be more at ease with people who look like you or to be attracted towards exoticism: that’s natural.

Having conscious thoughts grouping together people by skin color and linking them with certain behaviors: that’s the culture and/or personal experience talking.

I too don’t think it came from a hateful place, I just think it showed how people can apply their cultural standards blindly on situations where they’re not relevant.

Even if we’re only talking about racism against Asians, it still doesn’t work: the majority of white people on the forums have never made any racist comment towards Asians and there is no way to prove all the racism against Asians in-game is caused by white people (or that it’s real racism and not just a bunch of kids spamming edgy shit in the chat hoping to garner attention).


you sure know how to start a friendly discussion

with what you call mature people hanging around

no one has to SAY it, there’s no going around the fact you love to argue and invite drama

how do you know who i know and talk to? not counting the obvious ones i try avoiding

not “anybody”, just you and a few others
i’m more here to help people, not engage in this crap you got me sucked in

this part cracks me up the most…
again, there’s nothing to discuss here and we’re already off to a very great start to a friendly discussion
there’s nothing friendly about the way you type and approach things, so let’s stop with the bullshit

i was only born in los angeles AKA tijuana of the states, grew up with mexicans, moved and made the WHITE friends you see in the pictures, so how you can conclude with me being racist blows my mind
i mean if i were to show ANY of my white friends this thread, they’d laugh their asses off asking “WTF?”

You are all tripping.

Your first mistake was jumping the gun thinking “that explains a lot” was racist when nothing of the sort crossed my mind. The fact that’s the first thing YOU think of, though, says more about your intolerance. Ironic, isn’t it?

You couldn’t get a more multi-cultural group of friends than the ones I have, so no, I’m not racist. They’re Black, Hispanic, Female, Gay, Muslim, what have you. …Are YOU racist…? (you don’t have to answer, because i can care less if you are or not, unlike your obsession with people you meet online)

^ SEEK HELP, i just don’t know wtf to say about all this to any of you

hence, why i wanted to avoid this trap of a thread

it blows my mind you guys kept going at it even after my absence. lmao

“that explains a lot… about our differences… in our sense of humor, understanding social rules, making racist remarks”

So, as a couple of you pointed out, there may be an abundance of white people in the pictures, but not all of them are racist. Think hard about that statement, and don’t bother getting back to me.

You’re the type of people I can NOT get along with, and you’d probably even get clowned on by my WHITE friends.


Okay, sorry, I guess?


Sigh… rip discussion


that’s something… something rmg NEVER can do (too much pride to apologize for anything)

i wouldn’t doubt if he’s sitting there typing, deleting, thinking, then typing again, until something close to being cohesive as a comeback can be submitted as a reply
a reply to invite an argument…


We can still discuss. Don’t need to talk about Kiddi’s remark is all.

@KiddiKong to clarify, I just said that the original comment you’d made came off as racist, and that was probably a misinterpretation. Also just ignore this thread, no point in trying to poke each other now.


way ahead of you


think of what again? what are we talking about race?

i read the picture thread, but i am totally confused, i dont understand anything that kiddi says.


Nor do I :joy:


no need to comment then :slight_smile: