A new way to "trade" keys


Since we now have owners who care, I’ll start to post ideas again haha. So this is something I thought of a while back for keys, and maybe it’s been proposed before but I see that it’s not here so I’m gonna post it.

This obviously isn’t the perfect way for key trading to work, but this is much better than what we have now and I would imagine, quite easy to implement. I’m assuming keys and other items that are only obtainable with gold are not tradeable because of duping, and I respect that.

So, here’s the solution for keys: Make them selectable in the trade menu, but when both players accept, instead of trading the key, it just opens under the person who received it. This way no one can get scammed out of their items, and no one will have to worry about duping.

I’d also like to add, as a suggestion for this subforum, that Mechanics be a category.

Offline Trading ~ Marketplace
In-game Trading
Addition Of Trading Centers
What Community-Designed Ideas Would You Like to See In-Game?

Well, this idea has been said before. It still has flaws, though, like the fact that the person who you traded with can still come in. Maybe before keys are opened, there’s an option for for who can come in: anyone, solo, guild members, or friends, or a “whitelist” so as to speak.


Like I said, this isn’t the perfect way to trade keys. It is, however, a big improvement with [I’m assuming] a very easy implementation. Yes, people can still crash, but implementing something to get rid of that would be a lot more work.


Still allows the seller to crash the dungeon or tell their friends.

Doesn’t allow for guild hall key opening unless the seller joins the guild.

Right now opening and paying after 30 seconds is the safest way to not get hosed by the seller, or in a pcave or whatnot.


I’m very confused why all of you are talking about all the things it wouldn’t fix. Maybe you’re in the mindset of “If Deca implemented this then that would be it and they’d never make something better in the future, so I’d rather just keep what we have now and wait for something better.” If so, then it makes more since to me why you’re doing this, but what doesn’t make since to me is why you’re in that mindset in the first place. This is just a suggestion that possibly could be implemented without much work on the Deca side, that would be better than what we have now.


I actually really like this idea, in fact I’d say 40%of scams occur either by the person not paying for the dungeon or either by the person running away after getting paid. I mean you will still be able to host a key regardless of having it traded or not, so doesn’t always require people to trade in order to open a key. Sure, there will be crashers but no one will be able to do anything about it, unless of course private rooms and etc are introduced.


You’re kinda right they’re focusing on the negativity, but it also might be because of your statement

You’re saying it’s a fix about being scammed, and it is sort of, but it doesn’t stop the crashers and etc which is their point, so it’s not a full fix to being scammed. Would be nice, but dunno if they would add it.


If this were to be implemented, it would solve 1 thing and not the other, fixing 50% of the problem is better than fixing none of the problem.


Yeah, I was aware of that and I sat there for awhile try to figure out how to word it. When I said, This way no one can get scammed out of their items, I was trying to say that people couldn’t open their keys but not get payed, or get payed and not open their keys (cuase it looker nicer than explicitly stating that).


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