A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


@shu Thankyou Shu For Contributing for the set doorprizes <3

My Meaningful Post

Apparently If You Don’t Say “Skip” After Janus, Then You Will Be Able To 100% Get Puppet Master’s Encore


i really hope i get skins ;~;


you…you’re disqualified




Thank you @SwordsK for all you donated to make this happen!!

Here is my meaningful post: RealmEye is a Life Saver


Hey, I just wanted to thank @Eternal and. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve died and just leeched off of you in godlands for lvls. Truly, thank you. Also shoutout to everyone who organized this event, super job this is amazing. :relaxed:

Here is my meaningful post: https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/shout-out-to-priest/3019?u=winkoftime


Thank you @Salt for donating!!! Everyone have a happy holidays!!!


… you have to contribute to the discussion somewhere else on the forums.


Nice job Shatter, I’m glad you got the community involved in the spirit of christmas.


Thank you for moving it


Thanks @Meio for helping donating. You were the first white star I ever saw. I remember I almost peed my pants cause I’m such a noob.
Here is my meaningful post:



go read the thread


Thanks a lot to @Salt for donating! Agree that this is an amazing idea and we together with Deca are moving one step closer to reaching RotMG’s true potential. Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas :slight_smile:


I want to thank @Kasperj for donatng to this giveaway as I have known him for a while as he was in a previous guild and also my current guild. It’s nice to talk to him in the guild discord and he is pretty chill.

Post that contributes to discussion: Shout out to Priest


@Willem Thank you for all of you, it’s my happiness in the game.


thats a thank you


Is that a question?


no it is a statment

Aka no or door prize for you


Thank you @Ebole! I’ve seen you around and man, you’re great. You’ve also been there to mourn deaths, my own and your own, so I feel it only right to give you props.

Thanks to everyone else as well! Merry Christmas and good luck everyone! :christmas_tree:

My door prize entry: Rain, Rain, come back again


Gl to all :), and thanks to the donors!