A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


Err… the list has already been made. I can swap your name with his :confused:

(don’t know if you won)


i dont really care about winning anymore so i guess…


shatter how much longer?


bout 1 min


will you be streaming or something? or will you just be picking winners?


I think he is just posting the list


picking, the results are already in


@Stupidity :frowning:






No, I don’t want this community giveaway to seem like a way for me to get viewers to my stream, scummy IMO


When @shatter said about 1 min 9 minutes ago…


pretty sure hes picking the winners now? dont quote me on that


It’s all done but


make 2 lists?


two posts.




Yep - Just make a thread for A Realmeye Christmas [Winners!]

Explain in the body that we had to make a new one because of the length limit of a thread. Link back here.

Can also post to reddit so they know to check to see if they won.

I will close this thread momentarily.


Double Upload…


When is the main giveaway? Will there be another giveaway again?