A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


@Stupidity :frowning:






No, I don’t want this community giveaway to seem like a way for me to get viewers to my stream, scummy IMO


When @shatter said about 1 min 9 minutes ago…


pretty sure hes picking the winners now? dont quote me on that


It’s all done but


make 2 lists?


two posts.




Yep - Just make a thread for A Realmeye Christmas [Winners!]

Explain in the body that we had to make a new one because of the length limit of a thread. Link back here.

Can also post to reddit so they know to check to see if they won.

I will close this thread momentarily.


Double Upload…


When is the main giveaway? Will there be another giveaway again?


posting rn,

another: maybe, but IF so, not on this scale (prob)

oh your that guy in the ptrain server


as soon as shatter posts


when can we get the prizes?


The results are in on this thread:


Realm’s been an unhealthy addiction of mine for far too long, but for four years to gameplay, it at least paid off in the monetary aspect. So here’s to another decade of good times!

Thank you @Allicnam and @Wlopezsix for adopting me off the streets into my first guild. The kindness and friendliness of The Deserving (which turned into Toyota) you guys showed me I did not deserve. These were some of the greatest times I’ve ever had in Realm; it’s a shame most of you have moved on now.

Thank you @Shatter for sacrificing approximately 6.5 months of your lifespan for this project. Send me your address and I’ll give you enough money to buy the energy drinks required for the next week or so :wink:

Thank you @moderators for doing such a great job. Especially @Doc and @Stupidity, thanks for actively contributing to this community. It’s great as a young whippersnapper to have someone to lookup to, Doc’s like forums dad and Stu’s like forums uncle.

Thank you regulars for keeping me addicted. Can’t do it without you.

Thank you @RMGnoob for the most entertaining and insightful posts on the forums. You’re one of the smartest, if not the smartest users and I swear my writing’s improved since coming on here.

Thank you @Trofimowen for being our honorary cancer. Nobody else can pull this role off tactfully without making themselves look like an idiot.

And thank you everyone else that I didn’t mention, I haven’t forgotten about you, I’m just forgetful!



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