A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


Thanks @scorchmist for contributing!Have a merry Christmas everyone!


I also want to thank @XD because I watch his videos and he’s a cool dude. He got a maxed pet so congrats.

Good luck to all, happy holidays!

My kinda meaningful post: Whats the ring to use?


Thank You so much @Shatter and @Captain and all the other people who are making a contribution too this wonderful giveaway and GOOD LUCK ALL WHO ARE DOING THE GIVEAWAY!!!


Thanks @XD for the awesome videos that he post’s and the videos i love to watch! and everyone who made a contribution to send gifts to spread joy ! Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas!


Thank you @Tealeaves for contributing to this giveaway and to everyone else! We appreciate all of your kindness!


Oh i encourage everyone to express thanks to someone by making a fan-fiction about it here. you can win prizes



Rip just lost the badge too I think




Meaningful post Thank you to people who buy/sell for underprice


Thank you @CannedSoup and @EXIT for contributing!!
Meaningful post - Realmeye app for IOS or Android


;-; rip


I would avoid doing abysses and harder dungeons like that until your at least 1/8 or 2/8 so you have a greater chance of surviving and don’t wear expensive gear on an character that isn’t maxed it’s a bad idea.


uh… ok? wut?




…wrong topic?


hmm first time ive seen someone do this, ive almost accidently done this so many times though…


Sorry never been on here before :stuck_out_tongue:


no biggy :slight_smile:


I don’t know any of you, but thank you for your donation, @Itsaname. And, of course, all the rest. It’s my birthday on DEC 3rd, but that doesn’t really matter. If I get a thing I’ll be happy, if I don’t I’ll just go back to farming sprite worlds and trading for light profit.
Trying to def up a knight.


where should i put my appreication post for the door prize im confused