A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


@Shatter I must have missed that. I’ll edit the post.
Edit: Oh! 'Twas just an early April fools you pulled.



I cant believe, i just went through that and read every single post, so far at least…


@Scorchmist Thanks for donating pal! Ive known you ever since Divinus Phasmatis, and im hoping to see you again soon!

A Realmeye Christmas [RESULTS]

Thanks @Yes for helping, super excited for this :smiley:


ehh! Long time no see! We’ve actually known each other since Imperial reborn .


I don’t know any of the contributors personally but I’d like to thank @Scorchmist cause I always see him around and he seems to put a lot of effort into making the RealmEye Forum a better place for everyone. Thank you for doing this giveaway!!

When the forum was in it’s early days, I tried to help out someone who couldn’t buy Realm Gold through steam: Can’t buy gold through steam

  • hope this counts!


thank you to all the people who donated and have a happy Christmas!!


@Scorchmist thanks for contributing to this community


@Poopythell Thank you for the donation that you’re going to donate!!!

And for being an awesome friend on the forums, and being the first real regular! Also for having the best picture, and yelling at me when i spammed the forums!!!

Ofc everyone is awesome too! If you want a special thank you, ehh… well…


@SunLink Thank you SunLink for helping me get my max divine pet. I really enjoy playing with you ingame. Owen is pretty maybe alright at the game, he dies with atleast 2 8/8s in a week so yeah. Love u BB.


Heyho, i wanna get some nice loot :smiley: I’m thanking Scorchmist for his donations and for his activity in the Realmeye forum <3 He helps alot


@Tealeaves thank you for contributing!


can we still donate?


Probably - Just /tell shatter in game right now.



game crashed just now


k, but can i do it tomorrow? i can’t go on now.




k ill give an infected skin tomorrow :smiley:


@Tealeaves Thanks so much for donating <3


Sorry forgot to mention the min is a mana per item, some exceptions if things are together but infected is worth so little