Add some true form of loot forgiveness


I hate the forge mainly because of its poor implementation

You say blueprints aren’t rare because of an experience you had

Ok then by my experiences blueprints are super rare

This is why ALL blueprints need to be a fame purchase, or a guaranteed drop after x amount of runs

Secondly, why does everyone keep ignoring this
You need the legendary tier whites to make other legendary tier whites.
What do I do if I don’t get legendary tier whites? How does the forge solve that problem huh?
I get like 1 legendary tier white every two months and I need 3 minimum to make the other items
4 for even rarer stuff

How is the game fun having to grind 6 months to 8 months just to forge 1 item? How is that system fun?

Also grinding 8 years for an item still not having it drop, they come out with the forge but then the blueprint is also an rng drop? you’re kidding right

Again I understand that they don’t want to make it so you can forge a crap load of garbage ut rings into legendary tier items, but there has to be a better system for loot forgiveness than the forge


Forge is a whole mess of worms, isnt it. Both sides have it right, the additional rng sucks and can be just as unfair, but its still better than what we had before, not to mention once it gets off the ground its solid. So as any local idiot would do, I give a possible solution thats no better than gasoline on the fire: Blueprint Forging.

Blueprints are kinda bogus and don’t really solve enough issues. Alternatively, making them too easy to aquire brings its own set of problems, namely power creep and absolution of the grind. So, rather than a meek difference in your next forging, excess blueprints can be converted to a (sticky, wont need to hold on to mounds of blueprints) currency, the rarer the better, and following a similar “tier” structure. Take enough of these new blueprint materials and a pile of marks (say, 10 while allowing them to stick in the forge) to get a blueprint of an item.

Sure, there is still rng in getting any blueprints, which sucks, and sure, nexus blueprints would probably need to be made exceptions or weakened as to not be blatantly op, but itd still make improvements without being absurd either way, because what is realm without some cucking from rng, eh? Anyway, thats the local idiot’s take, feel free to tear it apart or stick your own spin to it.


Just run fungals and crystals. Also that 8 years could be longer. You might end up getting a bp. At least there is a forge system. Half of the uts I would probs never have rn. Ik it’s tuff not having the bp but I think it is better than nothing.


I’m actually ok with being forced to use legendary materials to make legendary gear. Blueprints should be a form of bad luck protection, but people shouldn’t rely on it to pump out whatever gear they want. I’m excited for whites from hard dungeons (like crystal cavern) partially because I know I can use it in the forge. If legendary gear could be forged with lower tier items then I think the blueprint system will have surpassed the standard gameplay loop.

The main problem with blueprints is how rare they are. Some event whites (jugg, tablet, conflict) have blueprints, but those blueprints are just as rare as the UTs themselves. This is totally pointless, because the people who have gotten unlucky in 8 years of play are just given a very slight additional chance to get the equivalent of the item.

It’s interesting that many people, including myself, value a jugg blueprint over a jugg. Why is this? Because jugg is 60 legendary materials to craft. By having the blueprint, a new, focused path is provided for a player that wants the item. But this is repeatable! Instead of getting a jugg every 8 years, you’re free to grind fungal caverns for materials that can be converted to many many juggs. This isn’t a bad thing, honestly. Grinding for any 4 endgame whites is far more compelling than rolling the dice hundreds of times on event gods that randomly spawn and have an abysmal drop rate. Just make blueprints more common so they serve their purpose.


My point that I try to get across, that you and others are oblivious too is that the forge doesn’t help solve the problems of an unlucky player. What if I told you I do run fungal and crystal caverns but I don’t get anything

Do you know how many times I’ve been told “just grind x dungeon and forge the items” bruh

“Just grind this dungeon the whites are common” I then proceed to grind that dungeon and get nothing, that’s the problem. The forge doesn’t solve the problems of an unlucky player it only assists the lucky players in getting the whites they are unlucky with.

That’s why I proposed this system because there will always be unlucky players and the game changes from fun to a job just to play at the same level as other players.

Half of the UTs you have you would have never gotten if not for the forge? great I still don’t have any because I never got any to begin with and that’s the root of the problem


It feels so weird to farm fungals for an event drop


Yeah, this is my main issue with forge. It is more efficient to farm other dungeons than to try and get the actual item drop! This is SO BACKWARDS! I shouldn’t be able to forge O3 whites with a bunch of trash from fungals, I shouldn’t be able to forge cnidarian reef whites with a bunch of trash from DDOCKS. Why would I ever set foot in these dungeons if it is safer and more efficient to farm other dungeons and use the items as forge feed??? I feel like I am wasting time trying to farm for items naturally now. It took out a big part of what made this game so fun.

MrBakck on reddit also made a good post pointing out the issues with item forge:

“On a slightly different note, DECA has some serious communication issues. For one, I don’t get what the direction with the Forge is. It’s been 5 months, and we still are missing basic blueprints in exaltation blueprints. Why do we have some Fungal/Crystal blueprints, but missing others? Nest/Shats blueprints are nowhere to be seen, and why is the colo/mseal/cave trap blueprint still unavailable to the community? The whole blueprint system seems severely flawed, with the blueprints themselves being RNG drops (??? aren’t these supposed to mitigate rng?) or locked behind campaigns. Like personally, I wasn’t able to play at Christmas and the ONE blueprint I want is the colo one, but nor is there any way to acquire it or any word on when it will make a reappearance. Like this is supposed to be a permanent feature, I just don’t get how every blueprint either just doesn’t exist, is exclusive, or extremely RNG reliant. Like can we at least have a feature where you can trade in duplicate blueprints for ones that are released that we want? I probably have 20 duplicate blueprints atm, all from MBC or osanc pretty much. Yet I’m still missing 5 of the osanc blueprints and the colo blueprint is straight up unobtainable. There should be a once per account kind of trade in where you can actually just select an exaltation blueprint you really want with 4-5 duplicate blueprints. The system is supposed to make items obtainable, but it feels half-baked with many items RNG still haywire (15 MBC whites since last colo sword btw!)”


Honestly I think one of the better ways to go about this is to rework marks, namely stackables and/or infinite storage in forge. In exchange, increase the number needed to forge things, and things that previously didnt (sone fungal whites, event whites, etc.) would get marks either based on their subsequent dungeon (fungal uses crystal), dropped dungeon (ot/tomb for jugg, 3d for cdirk), or just have events drop some forge marks, like o3 does.

This sort of ties into my blueprint forging idea too, but tldr more mark storage, more marks needed, more mark uses. Course im probably still being silly as with my bp forging but throught id share more thoughts


Make a mark storage. So then the vault has an extra table for marks. Starts at 32 but then you can upgrade for fame/realmgold


mm, if marks stayed as they are i think that may work, though maybe an in between, where lets say you could take from marks, and put a number for each dungeon (or events should we consider my other ideas), like 5 for each. Without an ability to remove them, the number would probably be able to be raised, as then daily quests couldnt get abused. either way, i think marks are way underused for what they could do for a better forge.


That’s probably been my sole complaint. Forget the rng of blueprints, because that’s a separate issue; I know that the thought process was to have something to do with all the UTs you don’t want and wouldn’t feed, but that statement there is the other side of the system.

Would limiting the forging to converting Whites within the same dungeon be a fair compromise, you think? For those that keep getting “the wrong whites.” Not all whites are created equal, so there would certainly need some fine-tuned balancing, but that would encourage farming the correct dungeon, and still relies on a healthy amount of rng.


Here’s an interesting thought. What if, instead of having an item forging system, we just had some new tinker quests. Sorta like the rune exchanger quests, except for whites. You could trade any white for any other white from the same boss, at the cost of, say, 4 marks. This would require a bunch of new marks to be added to the game, but I dont’t really see a problem with that. Stuff like event whites could be grouped into one big category (you could trade any event white for any other one), or several (you could trade an oreo for jugg, but not ray for jugg). It still wouldn’t solve the problem of beinenerally unlucky, but I think there is still plenty of room for the “Pity Timer” system. It would solve the problem of getting the “wrong whites”.


What I don’t understand about the implementation of the forge is that this system was supposed to be our saving grace for when we have been super unlucky and haven’t gotten an item despite being well over odds for that item. It baffles me that DECA came up with the blueprint system and said “let’s make them drop from the bosses just like everything else and make it just as hard, if not harder, to get the blueprint as it is to get the item in the first place.” Like what!? What is the logic behind that??? I just can’t comprehend the thought process when this was supposed to be the “loot forgiveness” system that we were all hoping for.

What I propose is that they make it similar to exaltations whereas you unlock blueprints after completing a dungeon/event boss/etc a certain number of times. For example:

Jugg blueprint: unlocks after slaying the grand sphinx and hermit god a combined 1000 times
Divinity blueprint: unlocks after slaying Oryx the Mad God in Oryx Sanctuary 300 times

And so on…

Not only would this fix the loot system, but it would give us more GUARANTEED progress on things. People always complain about how you lose too much stuff from dying in this game and there’s no real sense of progression. This right here. This is the progression that this game needs to succeed at bringing in new players so that they don’t quit and uninstall after losing their first geared character.

Bleh. I just don’t understand what DECA is even thinking sometimes when they implement new features. It’s like they always make new features that are “similar” to what is being asked for but different enough to make us all frustrated.


I agree with the original point about loot forgiveness. I’ve the same bad luck with any Jugg variant (9 years, 21 days and counting).

I’d also like to point out that the forge became an item dump and give useless items a purpose again and re-invigorate different dungeons to encourage variety. From the companies perspective it’s another revenue stream for the game.

I really like this idea. Satisfies loot drop issues and makes use of an existing system.


I’d say whatever the odds are of getting that specific white, should dictate the number of times you have to beat the said boss. For example: 100th Boss kill guarantees a blueprint for all whites with a drop rate of 1:100. If you still haven’t gotten the white bag you want from the boss after killing it 100 times, you can simply craft it.


It feels like it would be challenging and expensive on the backend to keep track of that; I do agree, however, that there needs to be something else.


only replying to OP because im in a raid and cant rlly look at the other stuffs

just farm nests lol


Don’t forget Cult and Fungal works too.


nests are faster than fungals tho and cults too. Also the whites in nest aren’t really good enough for you to feel pain when you sac it.


Ill direct you to my post where I talked about people telling me to farm a specific dungeon. It doesn’t matter the dungeon I’ve pretty much farmed all of the ones people have told me to farm.
Absolutely nothing