Add the next sentence to this story (A cautious round 1)


Well, I mean, I was ok with the inventor direction, but whatever lol; these are supposed to be weird.


The foul scent of chloroform had faded away so Robbie focused his attention towards the room’s entrance, beyond which he can hear heavy footsteps being taken, and they sound like they’re getting closer.

Commas are useful.


Don’t worry, when compiling, I’ll fix any unintentional grammar mistakes. Speaking of which…


Oh no.


The footsteps stop suddenly and a scraping sound starts coming from the door.


The door bursts open in a flash of light, and a hooded figure drifts into the room.

the plot thickens


The figure was none other than Carl the Shopkeeper, who, despite being at this point of his career, was looking for some certain merchandise from the acclaimed Rôtin family (of which Robby still resides with, due in part to his handicap); this was significant, as Carl’s name was whispered amongst the common folk as being a semi-sadistic bounty hunter in the underworld of civilization, who sold many of his gadgets and artifacts created with his own hands to the highest bidder when not preoccupied with pursuing a reward in that dashing cloak of his… but of course, rumors go frequently awry when adopted by an uneasy public mind.

Let’s try to make this interesting, shall we? This looks like it’s finally going somewhere! Why not collide thread worlds?


i also had a couple different ideas in mind, including one where a police officer opens the door and tells robby his trial awaits


The most ambitious crossover


Trailing behind Carl, a glimpse of blue flames are all we catch before Craig vanishes into the shadows

Yikes, why’re we drifting between past to present tense, is that intentional xd


I wonder what else we can crossover B), oh wait…


I’m sorry! That was me breaking a little. Stories being told like they happened in the past sound wishy-washy to me. I can change it to match the proper format… );


Ok, this isn’t being used to continue the story, but I was digging through what few belongings I had in a box and actually found the paper from school that inspired these threads :open_mouth:
This was not really funny by any means (although we did have a couple of good ones!), but it was mine:

For those of you that may struggle to read that mess, I’ll put it into text form:
“Once upon a time, there was a word, who lived in a mouth. The word loved to make up stories about people, and tell lies. It spent a lot of time behind its owners teeth. The word had always wanted to express its love to its owners’ crush, but he never could because he was scared. Then one day, he met a similar foe: he found a word in his crush’s mouth! It was the same as his. ‘I will kill you with word powers!’ word said. ‘No. No. No.”, replied the foe. They decided to have an epic word battle. All of the sudden Eminem came in and ferociously threw spaghetti at them both. ‘Eminem, what the heck? Why did you just ferociously throw spaghetti at us?’ asked the word. ‘He had to stop this somehow!’ answered the crush’s word. So they ate mom’s spaghetti. In the end, pasta solved all problems!



Did you guys actually have 3 people do that ;-;


XD Fortunately not. Much like last game here on the forums, we had a couple people who weren’t heeding the “one sentence” rule. We also weren’t exactly in a position to correct that quickly when it happened!

That’s also mostly in evidence of the style of handwriting there. I think they took “one sentence” as “one complete thought,” hence the question marks. But knowing a certain group in that class, I bet some of them would have done a single word sentence if they knew it wouldn’t potentially hurt their grade lol

(Also, please tell me that quote box isn’t part of this story… right? :face_with_monocle:)


̶i̶’̶m̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶. oops, my bad. let’s continue this shall we?

after that, robbie soon forgot about the whole carl thing and continued onward.

sorry about potentially upsetting some people.


@Rabcord A bad attempt at sarcasm on my part lol

Also, how dare you


Carl smiled almost mockingly underneath his hood at a very discombobulated Robbie, tucked away his King Crimson pouch, and proceeded after him.

Sorry Rabcord, I’m curious to see where this goes


Pff, I just realized I wasn’t handing out likes for responses. I guess this was a bit ago when I was a tad more stingy with likes. Sorry guys!


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