Advancing into Late Game Dungeons


Hi. First time posting here, but rather curious about my future ingame. I started RotMG again about a month ago and started merching to a few decently geared 6/8s and been learning the game. Been able to run most GLands dungeons efficiently, but been trying my way into Tombs with the help of a few friends, but I really haven’t been able to find any to get first-hand experience. I would really appreciate if anyone could give me advice on how to progress further into these dungeons, or if there are places where I can join Tombs and comfortably learn without much pressure.

(note: I’m currently using a 6/8 assassin for these situations)


First maybe try and join a guild or find some more experienced people to help you.

There are also many guides you can watch, especially from bickuribox!


Lol, I just saw you change that.


I was going to keep it as a troll but I thought about it and then was like nawww…


don’t merch too much, try taking a spare char and maxing it yourself


this is a good tip.

i never merched to max, and by doing so i learned to rush pretty much all of the godlands dungeons somewhat effectively.


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