Advantage of having any guild?


I’ll be your friend if you really that depressed


Can I have a friend too


Only if you join a guild :wink:


I mean I’m not in a guild rn and I’m enjoying it just fine, it can definitely add to the realm experience if you have friends to play with and open dungeons, but it’s completely fine if you don’t have one either. Just talk to people who you see around a lot and get to know prominent people on your server


Pros of not being in a guild :
You’re not tempted into doing dirty tombs

Pros of being in a guild :
You’re tempted into doing dirty tombs


I want friends


Guildmates can split up to search around the servers to search for events, and when they call you, no TP cooldown.

If you are tired of being kicked/guildhopping, make your own guild and you are in charge of it to get your own group going. 1000 fame to create a guild is farmable in a short time on the fame train or just from normal playing.


Guilds are fun , and reliable . I don’t really play anymore so I don’t have a guild or friends :frowning:


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