Advice On Pet Ability Maxing


I could use some advice on my pet. I am at a crossroads and I’m not positive how to proceed.

I currently have a 90/85/71 pet having maxed my first ability just today. Many months ago I was lucky enough to receive a legendary egg drop from O2 that gifted me a reindeer with 70/25/9. The reindeer’s family needs to be changed and I will spend some money to take care of that but my question is this:

Should I spend 115k feedpower to max my 2nd ability for my main pet before starting on the second pet? If I spent those 115k FP on the reindeer, it would get my second pet ~63% of the way to maxing it’s first ability. If I fused both pets when they got to 90/x/x it would lower my second ability a few levels from 85 and I understand this but it seems like such a huge investment to use that much FP to max the second ability for both pets.

Some things for your consideration:
-I don’t mind the few level dip if I fused before getting 90/90/x, I really want that Divine sprite and working towards that has been the main driving force behind me playing the game as of late.
-FP and Fame come to me somewhat infrequently. The fame is something I am working towards on a fame farming character but I don’t want to suicide my main characters for their fame. I feel like I get really unlucky when it comes to getting UT’s and other items of higher FP so getting 115k FP would take a few months for me, if not more.

Am I crazy for wanting to fuse at 90/x/x? Should I persevere and push all the way to 90/90/x?

Any advice would be appreciated. Here is a link to my pet yard for your convenience:

Thank you!


I think you subconsciously answered your own question; the lower initial second ability level for your divine is the main reason to max before fusing, and if you don’t mind that, then I would certainly recommend fusing once both pets are 90/x/x. Future attempts to get 100/100/x may become more difficult as a result, but if you don’t mind that, then there’s nothing holding you back from fusing as soon as the first abilities are maxed.


Feeding a legendary is 350 fame/ item, while feeding a divine is 1000 fame/item. If I were you I’d max the first 2 abilities on the legendary pets before fusing.


Feedpower vs fame… If you have less feedpower, fuse earlier. If you have less fame, max and then fuse


With the new nerf that deca has hammered down on pet food, I would highly suggest making both legendaries 90/90 now.

Unless you have a ton of gift vault feedpower saved up for a divine I wouldn’t suggest fusing early.

Feed everything from 500 feed to 800 feed to the legendaries and save the 1000+ feed for divine.

Also, looking at your pet yard, the legendary egg you got from Oryx is a blessing, but also a curse because the 2nd ability is only at level 25.

If you fuse it early it will weigh down your divine significantly.


I appreciate everyone’s advice, I think I’m going to start the maxing process on the second legendary and when I get to 90 on it’s first ability, I will go from there. I don’t want to weigh down my divine pet’s strength but if I need 300k more feed power to max both 2nd abilities, I’m not sure I will want to wait another several months to acquire all the necessary resources. I will at the very minimum, get my reindeer’s second ability up to a workable level so I’m not fusing a 90/85 with a 90/70 or something crazy but I don’t know that I will have the patience to get both to 90/90/x


always fuse first two abilites to 90 90. It saves a lot of time. Also I recommend getting electric to 77. That’s what I did, it make take more time but it is worth it. Good luck.

edit: I suggest making a fame character where you stack tons of bonuses to get the maximum amount of dead fame. I got my divine in 2 months starting with a legendary at 90 88. Here’s a guide made by sebchoof


Would you mind explaining your reasoning for recommending getting electric to 77? I know that leveling up that ability increases the frequency that it paralyzes but honestly, I feel like at 71 mine already paralyzes very consistently and I don’t think I need to invest any more into it.


Once you are at 90 90, you’ll need about 2,600 feedpower to get electric one higher level. Instead of getting 76 on fuse for divine you get 77 for a cheaper price. In my experience with my pet I traded life for incs to obtain easy feedpower and fame bonus stacked my chars to get tons of dead fame. This way I was saving fame because Id rather pay 350 fame for another level then have to get it higher during divine. Its not necessary but if you can get two pets to 90 90 you might as well to save time when feeding your divine.


It’s not too hard. Always make sure all of the pets abilities are maxed before fusing. LoL.


Yeah what you’re saying makes sense but specifically I don’t see any benefit in spending extra resources just to raise my electric stat. I am pleased with what my electric already does and would rather focus on the other 2 stats/getting to divine more quickly. If electric becomes vastly more OP at 77 then that’s different but to my knowledge more levels just increase the frequency of paralyze which isn’t something I desperately need currently. Does that make sense?

Why are you using a demeaning tone when you pet isn’t even maxed? I clearly understand the basics and I am further along in the process of maxing a pet than you are. The reason for the thread was to ask if it is worth it to spend upwards of MONTHS getting extra resources to scrape out a few more levels from my second ability. So either respond with productive advice or please let me discuss it with people who wish to actually contribute in a meaningful way.


yea… but it like nothing extra. i wanted mine asap too… 2600 fp is nothing. its not op. its just nice to raise it higher before divine.

understandable if you do not though.


Gotcha, okay thanks for your input!


It takes a lot of patience to max both of your pets 90/90/x. I would go for the early 90/x/x fuse for the divine sprite. It seems to me that fp is your limiter right now, and in the end a 90/90/x fuse and a 90/x/x fuse will be equally as far from 100/100/100(obviously you will have to pay for the sprite through increased feed costs).

90/90/x is objectively more fame/fp efficient when looking for a 100/100/x pet, but the early sprite can be worth it for some people.

Possibly take into account how much you value an overleveled heal ability. Obviously, fusing early will allow you to unlock heal levels 91, 92, and 93(haven’t done the exact math here) before you would have even fused to divine yet.


That’s a really good point. As someone who mains Archer, MP is less important to me since I can already perma paralyze/slow so fusing early to get more levels out of my heal might be worth considering.


Well I wasn’t being demeaning, I guess I misread your question and in turn answered in an irrelevant way. And as far as my pet, I haven’t been able to play on this account in like a year or else I’d have been had a divine pet lol.


Ah I see, I apologize for misreading your tone. I thought you were being derogatory because you thought the question was stupid or something. That said, it sounds like your opinion is that going for 90/90 on both pets is the correct choice?


For many players, this is the optimal choice; waiting until 90/90/x on both pets will help reduce the feeding you end up doing during the divine stage (assuming the goal is 100/100/x), as feeding during divine is extremely pricey. As with many other posts, Tokin’s was assuming that your goal is to get to 100/100/x as efficiently as possible. But if your goal is to get the divine pet sprite quickly, then 90/x/x is sufficient, and probably the best route.


Yes, that is the opinion I was going for. The rule of thumb I live by is NEVER fuse unless both pets are fully maxed. Some would disagree, but I live by that. I guess mainly because if you fuse an unmaxed pet, you will probably end up spending more fame/gold to feed it because the fee for feeding increases with each tier. That’s my take anyway.


I’d just spam feed the mheal to 90, you meet all sorts of reqs with 90 mheal, and you can easily do content with the 90 heal. Want a divine sprite? Fuse a throwaway lol.